
Does anyone else feel like He Kexin the Chinese gymnast is annoying?

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She acts like a child, she is not 16. There is simply no way. It is awful that she beat Nastia. Nastia has such beauty and grace, and a little girl took her gold.




  1. No, no. every athlete did very well in fact.

    However, He kexin to me had good manners and the charm was amazing. Nastia too, but in terms of the performance I can't judge because I'm no pro.

    He kexin is not whatever unger age people are claiming what she is suppose to be. if she is under age, through all that training it's unfit for a child! I don't think people should deny her real age and that she took gold because of that.

  2. it is such a disgrace for the host country because kexin is not a deserving gold medalist...

    forgive me in saying this but it is unfair to give the gold to kexin because nastia liukin is a gymnast of beauty, grace and excellence. she's better than kexin...

  3. I'm just glad I don't have to see any more of those knobby protuberances where their bony asses are supposed to be.  When the little girls tried to shake their booties it was absolutely pitiful.

  4. I have answered about 100000000 questions on the same thing already but thanks for the points

  5. The judges took away nastias gold because the austrailian judge messed up thier score  for the chinese girl hence nastia should have the gold right now not the chinese girl  

  6. I think it's rude to say that she is annoying.  How would you know? Do you know her personally?  She is a talented gymnast just like all the rest of them.

    P.S.  Thank you for all your thumbs downs.

  7. No, I think she's cute.  And she's a good sport.  I'm sure she thought her teammate Yang Yilin had beat her, but instead of pouting, she lifted her up so she could wave to the crowd.  Nastia, on the other hand, pouted like a spoiled little baby.  I was embarrassed by the way she acted.

  8. yes. the chinese dont look 16 and i believe america got cheated out of many golds in gymnastics. the scorign is totally f-ed up and the judges have a lot of pressure on them. believe it or not yes people with be people and give biased scores or predjudice score but thats liek i pretty much hate these olympics right now becuase of gymnastics!

    they say this is supposed to brign china closer to everyone else. well they just took a huge step away from america!

    oh and all you asians sayign you americans never learn and that americans act annoying well this is freakign america and if you dont like it go suck it cuase america will always deserve that gold.

  9. Um. That gold didn't belong to Nastia.

    You've seen how she acts? Is there a difference in how she acts and how Johnson and Liukin act? She hugs her opponents after they're done. I think that's a show of good sportsmanship.

    She's not annoying just because she is talented or won.

  10. I think you're annoying.

    Asians often look younger then they really are. Suck it up.

  11. I don't think we should blame her if the judges gave her higher scores.  If anything, blame the judges.

  12. I think she is really annoying, as well.  

  13. I think we need to protest and get Nastia a gold medal. I don't care if this Chinese girl gets one, as long as Nastia gets what she deserves.

  14. I doubt that she is 16.  h**l, she doesn't even look 12.   But  she doesn't annoy me.   She is an athlete doing what she is being asked to do at a very high level.  NIether He Kexin nor Nastia Liukin made the rules, but they must abide by them.

    I view all judged sporting events as being flawed and subject to nationalistic bias.    I think the reason that He Kexin had high scores was because of home field advantage of being in Beijing.

    What I did  find annoying was the sour-grapes from the NBC announcers.  Their whining about the tie-break rules went on thru the medal ceremony and it detracted from the competetion/performance.  

    The tie break rules might be arbitrary and unfair, but they worked as the Gymnastics governing board intended them to work.  If the tie-breakers went in Nastia Liukin's favor, the NBC crew would have ignored the tie break system all together.   For NBC to whine the way they did was unprofessional

    Having said that Bela Karyoli is the best !!

    I only wish that I had 1/10th of the athletic ability of these Olympians.



  15. I think some americans never learn.  They just can't accept the fact that Asian looks much younger than them at the same age.  They get aged so easily.  That's so sad.

    Hate it?  Then don't watch it.

    Thanks to the thumbs down too, the minority of the americans.

  16. 20 year old asian women can still act like their 12 thanks to the 'cute' culture from japan. beauty and grace an olympic gold medal does not make, this is not a beauty contest.  

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