
Does anyone else feel like me? (Anxiety)?

by Guest32970  |  earlier

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So I have been suffering from anxiety since as long as I could remember. I have anxiety about things like dying, food poisoning, being alone, etc etc. I recently watched The Dark Knight, and I find myself so long within the movie, that my anxiety builds, palms sweat and I panic. Im pretty good at calming myself down, but then I think about it. What would happen if I lost someone close to me? Would I really be able to handle it? And then I worry... and worry... what can I do to stop these worries, and not take a death or what not so hard! Are these thoughts normal? I don't know if everyone worries about completely losing their mind if someone close to them died, but I do, and I can cry on cue :(





  1. See a psychiatrist who will help you understand your fears and possibly give you meds. to help calm you.

  2. first of all that guy said smoke weed...don't do that...this is a mental thing and when you are feeling bad about stuff weed makes you think alot harder about it,i smoke weed every day,i used to have small anxiety,you need to start working out more,getting better sleep and just enjoy time with your family and loved ones...don't take meds either,they will turn u into a robot,and make ur anxiety worse when u are out of meds...just find your niche and have fun in life,gains and losses are just something you experience on your journey......

  3. smoke some weed thatll cure  you

  4. u really need to talk to sum1 big time b4 u do sumthin silly.x

  5. i think u should just go for a good counseling.U are creating imaginary problems to worry about.There's no need for that....

    just try to realise that everybody in this world will die one day or the other,then why should u worry urself and lose ur health....

    our childhood experiences can really affect our personality.I think it will be the reason for ur worries too....

    so don't waste ur  time in such silly anxieties...actively take part in some activities.keep urself always engaged.never sit is the main cause behind ur worries...try to have close friends whom u can trust and share ur me....jus kidding.....

  6. I`m not going to tell you I know how you feel.

    Because I dont. But I can only imagine how torturous those feelings must be.

    I`ve got so many issues with anxiety its not funny.

    I`m pretty screwed up in the head.

    I`m only 13.

    So I pray to God to help me(I`m Christian) and he has before.

    Even if you dont believe you can be open minded about it and it can be very relaxing.

    You need to turn to God. Read the Bible, read things about God, Jesus and the Bible. It will help you feel more close to him, and better your understanding of God. You will find comfort out of doing that.

    Do relaxing things during the day and/or night.

    Like reading(anything!), having a bath, watching a dvd, also drinking a few cups of green tea realy helps me. Look at photos, cook or bake something yummy, go for a run around the block ect.

    Think of thoughts that make you feel happy and/or relaxed.

    Also imagine yourself acting how you would want to act. Its like confidence. Fake it 'till you make it. When you calm pretend your a person who`s genraly calm alot of the time; normal. That might help.

    Be around people! go to someone`s house, visit family, hold a dinner party, sleep at someone`s house. Open up to them. Ask them how they feel about the topics you get anxious about. Get their opinions about those things. And tell them yours. That way your thinking about it in a camler way. With someone else. Like; "where do you think we go when we die?". Its a calmer way to look at it. You can also tell them how you kinda get anxious about those things if you feel comfortable doing so.

    Look up profetionals in your area. Therapists, or something like that.

    You`ll be able to tell them how you feel about those things, they might give you medacation and/or other methods to help.

    In the meantime Take deep, slow breaths during the day and find positive ways to think about them.

    May God bless you and your family =)

  7. hi, you could go consult a pyschatrists and you must relax yourself away from your fears such as the beach with your family or girl friend or go on some long vacation along with some friens. sure that will be able to forget about your fears.

  8. jus be cooo  

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