
Does anyone else feel like their friends are not the good friends that you used to have.?

by Guest56376  |  earlier

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I mean after you married.. thks..




  1. bachelor friends are different than friends after marriage, though I still have 2 of my old friends and they never change.

  2. in my experience i think youll find that half are 'fair weather friends' and the other are real but their just allowing time for the 'honeymoon' stage, its just your job to figure which ones fall into which basket! good luck xxxx

  3. I am not married but about to be engaged. My friends all have Girlfriends now. But all they want to do is hang out with them they don't want to hang out with me anymore. It is a sad deal but I gues its how it works..

  4. once I married, my so called friend felt I was spending too much time with my husband?!?!? She just didn't understand that I'm trying to start a family and even though she's still my friend..she should've understood.

    People are selfish

  5. Yes and no. My 3 friends from childhood are still very good friends. Friends that I had met when I was in my 20's, are for the most part non-existent today.  

  6. Friends come & go. The ones I felt were closest have sort of faded away over the years. We still email, but some have left period. Why? I have no idea. Time changes people. When I married I moved to another state 18 years ago. It is hard to keep up closeness when you are so far apart. I understand what you mean though. It changes how people act around you.  

  7. the friends i had before getting married showed me a lot about the type of person i'd been at the time.  after marriage, i learned that my friends and i don't share much in common anymore as i've become a lot more responsible and focused on my family, and the respect they're due.  a lot of my friends aren't married, and are still living the single life, a life of which i no longer fit into.  my married friends are a lot more patient with me as they too are focusing on their families and responsibilities.  i think it's about getting older, a little more mature, and having a family, with or without kids.

  8. u r married and have friends? me i never had anyone i could really say was a friend  just some people i grew up with or knew or maybe i just dont no what a real frind is ive never gave it a cahnce 2 afraid to get hurt

  9. ya know, i have had this conversation with a lot of ppl, friend, both married and unmarried - it seems as if the friends who arent married, or dont have a good marriage, dont really understand some of the things that do change and should change when you become a married couple - my mother and father, growing up, came home after work every night, made dinner, and spent time with the family... we went out on weekends sometimes, every so often they would have dinner with their other married friends, most of the time i tagged along..

    im not saying that people have to go home every single night and never share time with their friends, cause everyone needs alone time too, however, youare now a family and thats who needs the taking care of! i have friends who dont understand when i tell them "sorry i cant tonight, my mans kids are here." because thats family time... they come first! they are the most important thing in my life.. yes, i love my friends, but the ones who are worth it are the ones who understand! the going out and drinking till all hours of the morning lifestyle is does not fit me anymore... im a step mom now, and with that comes new responsibilities, and a different example to set.. i now have people who truly depend on me! that doesnt mean that my friends are wrong, but, when their time comes, it womt fit them anymore either... and they should understand..

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