
Does anyone else feel like they have a throat infection that won't go away?

by  |  earlier

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It's starting to drive me mad now. Started 3 weeks ago. Main symptoms for me are pain in centre of throat when I breathe in, trouble swallowing and gland feels swollen - but no cough or full blown sore throat?!?!

Went to doctor last week and he said my throat looks normal and didn't mention anything about a bug/virus going around! I going mad or has anyone else in UK had this mystery throat trouble recently????




  1. Most sore throats are viral. There are no cure for virus's, they don't respond to antibiotics, just drink plenty of fluids including warm drinks which will soothe and it should go away, sometimes virus's can take awhile. Don't whatever you do gargle with Aspirin, it will irritate the already sore lining of you throat. Just take paracetamol if your in any pain

  2. i had the same for like a year, in the end i think it was because i wasnt eating enough vitamins and/or not drinking enough and/or not enough exercise (im doing more of all three now and its gone)

  3. stop giving head.

  4. hiya, i get this a lot,the only way to ease it of is to get a mug of hot water and put a teaspoon of honey in it and stir.sip at it when its cooled down,you will feel the pain ease away.drink it when needed you could have 4/5 mugs a day if you want to.good luck and i hope you feel better soon.xx

  5. Are you allergic to anything?  Do you snore? Do you breathe through your mouth?

    You can get soluble pain killers, cocodamol, they act locally and systemically.

      Your pharmacist will advise you re tablets for ?an allergy,

    If it is viral there is no specific cure unless you develop secondary infections, get a raised temp etc.

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