
Does anyone else feel like this?

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i dont really feel pregnant.. i mean i got morning sickness, saw the sonograms, and heard the heart beat.. it just doesnt seem real. i want the baby to come out already!!!! lol




  1. how far along are you?

  2. Yes, i felt like that when i had my first baby girl, it gets more real as the due date comes closer! And as you get larger and the baby develops :]

  3. I felt like that for the longest time. My husband cried at sonograms and the heart beat the first time we heard it. I knew there was a baby inside of me. I felt her move, talked about her, bought things for her.... still didn't feel pregnant. It just didn't feel "real". Then one day, I was driving in the car and it just hit me. Wow... I'm PREGNANT. Crazy.. I think it happens to a lot more people than those would admit.

  4. No, unfortunately I fely VERY pregnant.

  5. Ok I totally felt like this.  I was so freaked out because I did not even HAVE morning sickness!  And I still have not!  The only thing wrong was my b***s hurt and guess what?  I am almost due and I have had the easiest pregnancy ever so it sounds like yours will be extremely easy also!!!

    Good luck

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