
Does anyone else feel like your going to go into labor early? Just a feeling?

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I'm 29 weeks and I'm always having dreams I'm going to go into labor early and my stomach has dropped and the doc has told me hes really big and it like i truly feel I'm going to have him early




  1. With my first baby I thought I would go early, I started dilating at 35 weeks, baby was dropped and in position and the dr's kept telling me I would go early and I ended up going a week overdue.  

  2. more than likely, if you are dreaming about it and everything, its anxiety. i wouldnt worry much about it, us prego women get weird dreams thanx to the hormones. another reson i wouldnt worry is because baby can feel what you feel. just sit back and relax.

    and if you still feel uneasy about it, talk to your doctor.

    good luck

  3. I have had feelings and dreams of the same thing, even on doctors words, he doesn't think I'll make it to my due date.

    BUT, knowing my actual luck, bubs will be 2 weeks overdue, have to be medically induced after a 40 hours labor!It all doesn't matter though, as long as bubs comes when he's fit, healthy and ready.

    I guess we just won't know for sure!

  4. I had the same feeling with my first and she was born at 35 weeks. I think a moms intuition is usually right. Just don't do anything to induce your labor, and go to the hospital at any sign. most dr's are very reassuring and don't mind "false alarms" is it's too early they an stop labor or even give you a steroid injection to speed up lung development.

  5. It could be either, it's hard to say. I thought I was going to have this one early but here I am...almost 38 weeks and nothing. With my first son I had him at 36 weeks and I had no clue that he was going to come so early.

    Basically, I have no clue. It appears that my feelings were wrong. Babies are born whenever they feel like it. It would be great if every child was actually born on their due date just so us mommies wouldn't have to go through so much anxiety about when they will come out!

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