
Does anyone else feel sorry for "Kristen"?

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Obviously her name is out, which I won't repeat it here.

But can you really judge someone by their lifestyle choice, obviously she did it for the money to make a better life for herself. & isn't that what America is all about?

100 years ago prostitution was accepted & openly used. Why is it so taboo now?




  1. Who are you talking about? Sources, etc?

  2. I have no idea what you are talking about.

    It isn't about us not following current events, it's about you not formulating a thorough, explicit, and clear question.

  3. s*x for money is disgusting.

  4. No, I don't feel sorry for her. She chose to use her body as a way to make a living. This is never an acceptable choice in my mind. Why not try to educate yourself and make an honest living instead of turning tricks? Even if you make 4500.00 per hour.How can she have any self respect knowing that she is letting random (MOSTLY MARRIED) men use her for their sexual pleasure.  GROSS!!!

  5. .....

  6. the one thing that we have now that we didnt have 100 years ago is HIV/AIDS.  That really changed the game.  Thats where the taboo came in.

  7. She is a despicable subhuman scrumpet; hopefully her life has been destroyed!

  8. are you talking about the girl who was involved with governor spitzer?  who's Kristen?

    I think prostitution should be legal, but I definitely don't think it should be accepted.

  9. who's kristen?

  10. I don't feel sorry for her unless her job is somehow in jeopardy. Just because prostitution isn't mainstream, doesn't mean it couldn't have the possibility of being a career (negating legality). That being said, I'm sure there are 10,000 low class diseased hookers for every 1 VIP hooker. haha

  11. honestly, theres a lot of Kristens in the world, hopefully they havent said her last name! theres nothing to feel sorry bout unless they give her last name, all she has to do if she wants is change her first name... i dont think her picture's out yet...

  12. Oh you mean Gov Spitzers extra martial lady friend. Nothing wrong in making money, I've got nothing against it but I daresay all the religious groups and married women and generally everyone else might not agree.

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