
Does anyone else feel this wayy?

by  |  earlier

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is it stupid to hear songs on the radio and just automatically go into happiness because it reminds you of your girl or boyfriend,, i do it often,, it just reminds me alot of herr,, and makes me really happy to be togetherr, and to knoww that shes part of my life from here on outtt.




  1. everyone has those songs

    whether there willing to admit it or not.

    i think its cute.

  2. Are you ok? I feel sorry that you've been so bothered lately =( You've made a lot of questions, it makes me worry about you.


  3. I go into happiness all the time.  It helps my misspelling skills.

  4. i dont think its stupid.

    its kinda cutee.

    & you sound ratherr confident in your relationship.

  5. yea defintiely.. i've got songs dat reminds me of diff ppl n diff stages of my life.. so nope its not stupid :)

  6. music has different forms of expression....sad,happy vibe

  7. Yeah i  get that way too which is why i prefer the radio to the tv, i mean how many programmes remind you of a certain place or time or partner or friend?

  8. Everyone has their songs dear.  

  9. Yes and almost every love song i hear, it reminds me of the love between me and my boyfriend

  10. Haha yeah, I remember being like that. Also just the opposite would happen as well. I would hear a song that would remind me of an ex and I would feel upset.

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