
Does anyone else feel uncomfortable with the shots of gary glitter on the plane back to britain?

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please don't get me wrong.....i am a mother and cannot comprehend anyone hurting, abusing or sexually abusing a child but the film of him on the plane and getting treated the way he did by the press made me feel very very uncomfortable. i KNOW he is a very sick man and he now needs to be monitored, kept away from children and access to children over the internet and so on...i know he got a shorter sentence because he gave the family of the children he abused money...but the press were right in his face....should the press be allowed to sentence him again, should he now be left alone unless he is proved to be still a threat to children?




  1. He gave up his human rights the second he took a child's right to innocence away.I hope he suffers every piece of humiliation the press (and anyone else for that matter) throws at him.I don't think ( and hope)he'll ever be able to have a new ID...he's renowned around the world.

    Look at it this way....if it was YOUR child he'd had s*x with,would you feel uncomfortable watching him being hounded then?I would be waiting at the airport and I swear he'd never set foot outside the terminal...I'd go down for the evil b******.

  2. Yes, and I feel uncomfortable with some of the answers on here.  As a society, we seem to be managing to be worse than the paedophile.  This man needs to be dealt with so that he cannot commit more crimes.  He has not attacked anyone in this country and let's hope it stays that way, but I do not like seeing a human being treated like a monster.  I'll say that again - he's not a monster, he's a human being and however we deal with him that must be uppermost in our heads.  The tabloid press and the mobs should have NO say in this.  I wonder if people like this should be given the option of going into a secure institution for life for everyone's safety.

  3. jennifer: his has no rights ,he lost his rights when he abused children, to say he is sick is sick, he needs putting down

  4. He is a threat to all children and deserves all he gets. He has ruined lives forever. These kids can never get their childhood back and no one should have any sympathy for him.Press in his face is mild to what he deserves.  

  5. I dont think that life can be made uncomfortable enough for this low-life pervert. Would you feel quite so sorry for him if it were your kids he had interfered with? Would you want him living next door to you and your family?

    The man was found guilty of possessing child p**n in Britain, he served his sentence and then moved to Vietnam where he was then found guilty of sexually abusing a child. As someone else said, Peadofillia isnt a disease that can be treated by a short stretch in prison, as he himself has proved . He has been found guilty of an un-natural fixation with minors on 2 parts of the world. For the sake of childrens safety he should be castrated before leaving the airport on his return to the UK.

    I say fair play to Vietnam. They had a dangerous foreigner in their midst so they got rid of him back where he came from. I only wish the shower that is in charge of Britain showed the same backbone when it comes to getting rid of foreign scum (By that I mean foreign criminals who have abused our hospitality, I wasnt implying that all foreigners are scum)

    We have enough dangerous criminals of our own, without importing more to look after

  6. You got a point there but he is vile.

  7. Well I agree with you, he is a pervert and should be kept away from children but even someone like this has basic human rights.

    I never denied that he has abused children in the most horrible way but he served a prison sentence.

  8. Never mind about his basic human rights, what about the human rights of the children he abused? As for the press, the only thing they did wrong was to give the creep any publicity at all, but if it means it will make it difficult for him to go underground, maybe they didn't do so bad.

  9. If he had of been a priest they would of just transferred him to a different church.Pedophile priest are still in and protected by the church..Why is there no outrage over this?

  10. he is a celebrity so hence news interest. he has done his prison sentence. and although carefully monitored by correct authorities he should be left alone. other perverts  are  on the street not just him. the press arenot following them!  i once lived for that guy and his music and feel saddened by his behaviour. and also disgusted.

  11. He will probably be given a new identity for his own safety , of which the british tax payer will foot the bill .

  12. How can you have any sympathy for that vile creature. You say he has served his sentence, sure he has, but he is`nt cured! I watched him in court, and he laughed  and smiled all the way through. Leave him alone!! which planet are you on, would you let your kids play with him?  Don`t you know anything about paedophiles, there is no "cure" woman. For your children`s safety , go to the nearest library, and read up on these child predators. Then you will fully understand the hatred that all decent people including the press have for these vile creatures.

  13. are you saying you feel sorry for him?

    celebrities get hounded by the press everyday. And most of them haven't done anything wrong.

  14. What made me uncomfortable was the fact that there was a small child sitting about twenty feet away from him, merely separated by a curtain.  

  15. Uncomfortable yes, sympathy no.

    The paparazzi might be disgusting but Gary Glitter is far worse.

    He will always be a threat to a children. Paedophilia is not some minor illness cured by a short prison stretch.

  16. That''ll be a NO.

  17. A child rapist is always a threat to children.  There is no way to reform them.  I don't know if Britain has a law making it a crime to travel overseas for child molestation, but if they do Glitter should be arrested and charged as soon as he steps off the plane.

  18. He is a vile, disgusting pervert and deserves whatever is coming to him.

  19. Well he is not a mass murderer or rapist, he is a paedophile so why would you feel threatened or uncomfortable. He no worse than the many Catholic priests who pray on young boys

  20. His treatment by the press may have upset you, but it has certainly not upset him.  He revels in ANY limelight. It feeds his ego. It is even reported he is considering making a comeback in his "singing career".  He was playing to the cameras very well.  Play the persecuted victim and folk will flock to support you.

    And the police have lost so many paedophiles that are supposed to have their movements watched.  I bet GG would have no difficulty in vanishing with the contacts he will have amongst others who are like himself.

  21. I am very uncomfortable with all the self-righteous thugs who have been advocating the most vile and horrible torture and death for a man who, in the eyes of the law, is no longer a suspect or a prisoner.

    Disgusting though his crimes were, the gleeful violence being preached is in it's way just as horrific.

  22. i must admit, i did feel uncomfortable. but part of me wants to believe he is innocent i suppose. maybe it was made up to get money out of him? u never know.

  23. I haven't seen the footage but have a really difficult time even contemplating being sympathetic to anyone who abuses children. I understand what you are saying but to me, that would be sympathy for the devil.

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