
Does anyone else feel you have to sip a cup of Starbucks cafeelatt'e daily, Is it an addiction, or what?

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I'm just wondering if there are others out there who, like my sweet Daugher-in-Law who feel they have to have a cup of "Starbucks " coffee or Choco-latte' or Mocha Cream "Everyday." She acts like she's missing out on something really special if she don't get her Latt'e , I'm just wondering if she is addicted to it, or could it just be a way to treating herself to something tasty. I only want to hear if there are others who have to do Starbucks "everyday".




  1. if i could have one every single day i would.

    starbucks is like one of the greatest gifts to earth!

    there so yummy, and after a while they are addicting, like coffe addictions in all.

    i would throw  a fit too, too get one.

    my personal choice would be the carmal frap.


    ps. don't worry bout it, some ppl just have there certain finatic for things, i once had a friend who was obssed with chetos.

  2. If it weren't for the millions who need it every day, Starbucks would not be the phenomenon that it is. Their drinks are notoriously high in caffeine, which is a legal drug and is addictive.

  3. Yeah... Unfortunately Starbucks has the most unhealthy coffee, the prices are high because people get addicted to it, find a different beverage, or make your own coffee.

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