
Does anyone else find barack obama and his wife really fake?

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idk why, its just something about the way he speaks and the way he smiles that makes him fake to me. its like he is a big puppet for the democratic party. do you guys know what i mean, that big overdone fake smile that he does sometimes. i really dont have anything against the man it just seems odd. his wife on the other hand looks kind of stuck up. she looks like she would kind of be a jerk if you knew her in person. anyone agree or disagree with me, i want youre feedback.




  1. Fake or not, their ideals and platform scare the h**l out of me.

  2. I'd rather have a faker,then a 72 (or w/e the **** he is) year old douche bag,who thinks rape is funny.

  3. I find him more real than more politicians. And Cindy McCain is so fake to me.

  4. Every time Michelle Obama gives us that fake smile, I cringe.  

  5. yes very much.  Michelle looks like she just ate a bowl of chit; Barack looks like a wantabe Malcolm X

  6. Cindy McCain takes that LMAO. She is about to burst of botox LOL!

  7. THe Obama's look very genuine. After all they are politicians and they are told to smile all the time by their advisers.

    Now have you ever noticed that McCain puts on a fake smile and blinks very fast every time he attacks Obama. He looks like a kid that has been caught out!!!

  8. Yes, I find them both fake. Obama's had his eyes on the White House forever - not to do good for the country but to satisfy his own ego. Like Hillary Clinton. Both ran for office to use it as a stepping stone to the presidency.

  9. You might find a lot of people like that. They are all wrong.

  10. As opposed to any other politician?

  11. Fake, because you can't pin all of the negative stereotypes on him?  Fake, because he has a smart, classy, intelligent wife who loves him?

    Fake, because you thinkMichelle is stuck up when, as an attorney, she is more no-nonsense and wouldn't waste a second on you?  

    Fake, because Obama smiles????????

    You sound a bit jealous to me, buster.

  12. "As a black know...Barack can get shot going to the gas station"  ....said Michelle Obama.  Have you ever heard anything more ridiculous?

  13. NO

    There are many  question that need to be answer about the Mayor from Alaska Palin .We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  14. I've yet to be convinced when either tries to "say" how patriotic they are, how much they love their country or even the token "God Bless...God Bless America" doesn't ring with any authenticity.

  15. I disagree w/you.

  16. "For the first time in my life, im actually proud of America."

    - Michelle Obama

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