
Does anyone else find it difficult to concentrate in praying?

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Because i dont know arabic, i really dont know what to think when im praying..i know it may sound stupid but when i do , i think in english

And i only make dua in english.. like will sometimes it still may be accepted? and also what are we suppose to think about ? Sometimes when praying i start off good, but then my mind just wanders off..

And i just want to know what do other muslims think abt when praying?




  1. Yes,every 1 finds it difficult ,but if u try to pay attention to the meaning,what u recite it helps.  

  2. Why don't you find a book about praying, that contains the dua for praying with translation in English.

    First, I get the same trouble as you are, but after I read the translation, then I understand what I am saying while I'm praying to Allah, I get better concentration in praying. Then I imagine that while I'm praying, Allah is watching me personally in front of me, so it feels like Allah is really there talking to me. It feels great! Maybe you can try it...

    You make dua in English? I usually make dua in my own language,especially when I have something to wish for,hehe..

    And yes, I think our dua will be accepted, cause you know, that Allah knows and understand everything.

  3. i dont know arabic language but i know the translation of prayer .... so i know what i am saying .... and to tell u the truth pray slowly .. dont try to finish prayer quickly

  4. although i know arabic very well..I do, one of my teachers told me that everyone passes through this...but we get through it by saying too much duaa..and by thinking of that we are asking God for help in prayers so we really need help that we try to concentrate as much as we can...:)

  5. why do you have to pray in arabic!!!

  6. Assalamu Alaikum,

    You can concentrate during your prayers because perhaps you  have memorized what to say in Arabic during salat but you have not

    learned the meanings of what you say in salat.

    Most important is to understand and learn the meanings of words you say during Salat.  Once you learn and know  you recite,  then you will be able to concentrate.

    Additional trick is that pray in room alone by yourself in your residence.  Raise your voice  so you can hear yourself. This will help you understand and concentrate in prayers what  you are saying and your brain will block your mind from getting into worldly  thoughts.

    Try it.  It is proven method by myself and many others.

  7. just think about what you are saying.

    yes, prayer is accepted in your own language, however the fatihah MUST be recited in arabic and PLAINLY word by word with the exact pronunciation.

    and also you should know that loosing concentration happens to those who pray in Arabic too, so don't worry. one good thing to do in order to keep concentration is whenever you say "Allahu akbar" = "God is the greatest", remind yourself that God is better and greater than anything else you are or can be thinking about at that time.

  8. sallams,

    YES YES YES. i was praying quraan today in arabic, even though i dont have a clue what im saying, my mind was wondering off onto other things like what i need to do today, or things like what im going to do tomorrow etc. it always happens to me.

    but i thnk wht we should try and do is switch off form everthing and imagine your facing the kaba (its amazing ive been) and it really helps you to swithch off from stuff.

    i think that we need to try and remember what allah has done for us and just try and thank him as much as possible. when praying quraan pray bit by bit so concentration stays. I TEND TO FALL ASLEEP (nearly). thts if i have been reading for a long time. tke it into small chuncks

    when making dua i think we should ask allah to help us on this issue, and ask for guidance. tell allah tht were too weak, and we need his help as he is the only one who can help us. and inshallah this will not only bring us closer to allah and strengthen our deen, it will helps us concentrate whilst praying too.

    hope ive helped.

  9. It doesn't matter what language you pray in.  If you pray in English and you mean what you say, then that will be enough.  A prayer doesn't mean anything unless you mean  the words so if you think about what you are saying and you really mean it, then Allah will know but if you are just doing it because you feel it is duty, then it is false.

  10. You just have to learn what the words mean and practice with it. It'll come to you with time and familiarity.

    Other than reciting the Qur'an, don't worry about the Arabic. English Du'aa is fine! Why would Allah turn it away for that?

    When you're reciting Al Qur'an, keep your mind on the meanings of the words. It matters. Its not right that they say you get the reward anyway, so don't bother.

    If you know, you will feel more sincere.

  11. YES YES YES!! I find it so difficult, my mind is always wondering around i hate it, i just turn everything off and try to concentrate on what i am reading

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