
Does anyone else find it easier to believe humans evolved from cats rather than monkeys?

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Apes are monkeys that cant swim.




  1. Not quite.

  2. Not I.  Evolution is not about believing.  It is about accepting or denying it exist.  If you accept evolution, then you would accept that we humans evolved from a primate type ancestor.  Certainly not a cat kinda critter.  Especially if you are meaning domestic cats.  Besides that, humans did NOT evolve from monkeys.  Seems a refresher course in biology might do you good.

  3. No.

    Evolution is an idea that apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor. An ape is not any ones great great grandfather....

  4. Our pupils narrow round, just like apes (not monkeys),

    and not like cats.

    Our nails are flat and non-retractable, just like apes (not monkeys),

    and not like cats.

    Our tailbone is short and fused, just like apes (not monkeys),

    and not like cats.

    Our vision is in colour, just like apes (not monkeys),

    and not like cats.

    Our ears are round and lateral, just like apes (not monkeys),

    and not like cats.

    Our hands are made for grabbing, just like apes (not monkeys),

    and not like cats....

    Give me a catchy tune and the greatest kiddy hit since "The Knee Bone" will be ready by next week.

    You have slitted eyes? This I gotta see.

  5. evolution is not a belief system.. If there were other falsifiable, data supportable, non-supernatural-based theories that explained all the processes, structures, patttrening, mlecular clocks, fossils etc etc as well as evolution...I would accept it as a plausible scientific theory. Disbelief in something like evolution based on one's personal incredulity is not a valid rejection. At the end of the is not what one believes..what does the DATA say....? What do double blind experiments say? the hypothesis falsifiable ?  if NOT does not matter

  6. First you need to decide if you believe in evolution.  

    I think it's a great theory, but I am more inclined to believe that God made a mature human being, just as he made a mature earth, and a mature ocean, and a mature solar system.  

  7. Funny thing, my feeling about cats makes me have a gut feeling about this much like I imagine fundamentalists have when they rant about how they didn't evolve from a monkey.  Something like "Noooooooooo!!!" I'd rather think I evolved from a dog.

    In reality, of course, we didn't evolve from cats, dogs, or monkeys but a long-gone primate ancestor.

  8. In the same way that we didn't evolve from modern monkeys, we only share a common ancestor with them, we also share a common ancestor with cats.  It's just that we diverged from cats a lot earlier than we diverged from monkeys.

    Of course, you could say the same thing about a lobster, or an orange; we share ancestry with ALL life that we know of.

  9. Easy there, Jim. Nice way to encourage further exploration of biology and evolution.  A huge amount of the population doesn't need a refresher course in biology - they need a decent FIRST course in biology.  (Not just talking about ID - just shallow, scanty content.)  // Well, the sociability of cats is fun to contemplate, but if you watch footage of lion prides and chimpanzee troops, you'll see our behavior is more akin to the chimps'.  Domestic cats socialize well with humans, but cats among themselves aren't very similiar to humans.

  10. i think we did evolve from cat if u look closely in some people and look closely in some cat there r some simalurty i think we did evoled from cat the monkeys in my opinaion. on top of that if u look at monkkeys and black people they cant swin or r afraid of the water but there r some blacks that can swim too

  11. Nooooo hahaha that be cool thoe we would look totally different from what we do look like

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