
Does anyone else find it fascinating...?

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that the (currently) very Christian USA government jumps at the chance to help other countries in need but ignores the hungry and needy people in our own country?

what ever happened to 'if you want to change the world, start with yourself, first'?




  1. USA offers aid to one country and that country later buys products from USA (instead of some other country). It's like the "free gift" that Reader's Digest uses to rope in new subscribers.

  2. And you are under the illusion that the USA is 'helping' other countries out of the goodness of their hearts, right?

    Kinda like invading Iraq was labeled "Bringing Democracy to the Middle East" type thing?  Helping the homeless in their own country is to the advantage of which coporation exactly?

  3. well democracy the Constitution and the fact that americans are the best of the best of the rest of the world makes it a fact that even our poorest are considered rich in most of those other countries in the old world

    Its shame how we cant always think of ourselves first we would be better off if we had let the europeans who created the poverty with there colonialism and conquest kill themselves off

    but we did do the right thing and continue to clean up the results of there evil and greedy colonialism

    If they would have just acted like humans and not animals and could just stop killing each other and putting people in gas chambers we would have more time to help ourselves.

  4. It may be that the key reason to provide help is only to those that are open to conversion.

    The needy and hungry in the US don't buy into the attempts at conversion.

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