
Does anyone else find it strange?

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Sorry this is the link for the asker:;_ylt=ArGeyzLZw9VkIvKiics18HpNxQt.;_ylv=3?show=7R0mYaIxaa




  1. wow good find the sad thing about and what pisses me off is that you took your  time to answer this guys question with more than one paragraph and obviously the best answer for nothing....anyways where the heck is my stimulus check im freakin broke to many ufc ppv's

  2. just forget it man

    still need your ideas on martial arts

    the real ideas I take it from

    answer me and I will give u best answer


  3. Because people tro to make themselves have more points... but this is stupid... a waste of time.

  4. Maybe their boy friends wink wink nudge nudge.

    I used to run a web site and had a cookie tracker installed I always knew when a member was using double or multiple identitys.99% of web sites have them for that purpose.Sometimes it's so obvious you don't need one.

    A juvenile mind thinking he is being tricky.

  5. but how do we go about reporting that kind of scam

  6. hes a troll who has no life lol.

  7. That sounds suspicious to me...  I bet he is being fraudulent.

    Yahoo! should check him out.

  8. I also like how they both use a first name and last initial.  John M, Jimmy F.

  9. May be that they have split personality disorder.

  10. You are right. He is answering his own question. Pathetic. Thanks for pointing this out so I won't answer any of his questions and waste my time.

  11. yes i agree wid u,you know in egyptian section many ppl r like tht person!i guess by this they annoy the other cause not every has 2 accounts..ah i any way how they do tht?

  12. that is very interesting maybe he/she made more than one acount asked questions on one of them and on the other answered those question then gave him/herself best answer.

  13. I think you have him pegged.  I also find it interesting that all of the questions have been asked/resolved in the last 12 hours.

    I can find many other ways to entertain myself when I'm bored.  Hey!  Maybe even practice my material or go over my material journal, but not ask and anser my own questions.

  14. Could be the same guy.......................... Who knows?

    But thats pretty retarded to make 2 accounts and then give yourself best answer for all your own questions.

    I'm just gonna call this "favoritism", or at leat until it is concluded that they are the same person........................

    O_O wow! I sounded smart, AWSOME!! I didn't know that I could be that smart, I'm usually really stupid, lol ^_^

    But I will help with this mystery best I can!! YAY!! *hugs*

  15. It smells kinda fishy to me; and funny how Jimmy F only asked questions never ever answers any ...  I think you found a Troll.

  16. Well I guess he can show his friends and say "look how smart and cool and smart I am, SEE Everybody knows it"

    How many points you get on Yahoo answers prooves how smart you are RIGHT???

  17. Loop hole, don't hate the player hate the game.

  18. Who cares

  19. Everything's gone! Vanished in thin air!

    Maybe the Yahoo staff read your question and deleted everything for good.

  20. that's so sad, lol

  21. yes and this person has done it before,hes also not the only one who has done it in the ma only have to look at some of the top answerers in here to see that.they give crappy one line answers and have a percentage that is impossible and they have multiple accounts so its harder to pick up they are cheating.i wont name anyone,they know who they are.besides which i dont really care if they can get away with it good on them,the points or best answers dont mean sh.t to me.

  22. I've been a little confused how this yahoo answers work.

    I was wondering what was a troll. I saw something last week that described a troll. Now, this give me a better example.

    I agree it sound very fishy!


    At SiFu Frank.

  23. I dont know too much about it, but I've heard that even one or two of the top ten answerers have done that (in the martial arts section).

  24. Maybe they should change their names to Neil and Bob!!! =]]

    Obvious set up, no lives. Nice catch!

  25. It sounded like Jimmy F was talking to himself. Keep giving five stars and says "great answer", "I agree". Pretty embarrassing to watch but oh well. So far, those two profiles were made days apart and John M has only been answering questions from only one guy and all of Jimmy F's resolved questions always has John M chosen as best answer. It's already obvious that the two prfiles were made by only one individual.

    But I don't really care as long as that person doesn't become the best answerer for certain section and especially this section.

    Alright, both profiles are gone now. He probably read your question or somebody already pointed out to him in person through Messaging, and felt embarrassed and deleted his account, or the staff took care of him.

  26. I guess he's a troll.

  27. This guy needs a girlfriend, or a hobby, right now.

  28. does it really matter

    why waste energy on this kind of thing just ignore them its not hard to do

  29. Who cares?

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