
Does anyone else find this annoying?

by Guest63829  |  earlier

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The other day i was watching the news and they were showing how 8 students from israel were gunned down and a few bomb attacks on israel. It took up a full page in the newspaper and everything. Then how come I didnt see anything about the number of palestinians that were killed in that week (over 100) and the multitude of attacks on gaza or that they never have food or electricity because Israel cuts everything off and bombs everything? Does anyone else agree that our tv and newspapers are full of p**p and only show what they want to..not what really is going on in the world.




  1. Yeah, I've blogged about this sad attack, there's a lot (as always) that the mainstream media is ignoring:

  2. I agree with you wholeheartedly on this matter there is absolutely no coverage of the mayhem wreaked upon the Palestinians, while the reverse in not true. Couple it with the fact that American tax dollars finance a large portion of the ammo that is used is shameful.

  3. Why should terrorist get any coverage. No, if you have lost someone to one of these fanatics. You will understand.

  4. I agree 100%  Sadly too much of the media is controlled by the U.S. which in turn has overtly Jewish control over them.  Before anyone screams anti semitism at me I'm far from it.  My concern is that American media, in particular, but not soley, over reports on what the Palestinians do and yet almost condones what the Israelis have done.  Religous fights can really never see a happy outcome.  It comes down to 'I'm right and your wrong and no matter what you say or how often you show I'm wrong, I'm right'.

  5. that's 1 reason i don't like too watch FOX { BUSH TV } news .

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