
Does anyone else find this campaigne for president annoying?

by  |  earlier

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are people REALLY interested in it..yeah I'm 19 and should vote but i hate politics and just listening to the campaign on t.v. drives me crazy cause its annoying, like the cheering and clapping after every sentence they say..anyone else feel this way or am i the only one?




  1. I would hope people are really interested in this campaign.  It could be your one vote that changes things.  A lot of people think that their vote doesn't matter.  Sure, if whoever you want to win doesn't win... you can gripe all you want but, did you try to change it?  Did you do anything about it?  Nah.  Also, if it's not pleasing.  Don't listen.  ; )  

  2. I would say yes, people are "Really interested" in this campaign.  

    I will say this: If you are not interested, and don't know the issues, please do not vote.  Even if people tell you that you should.

    If you want to find out more: Don't listen to campaign adds, they are commercials that are selling a product.  Start by asking yourself some questions.

    1) What matters to me?

    2) Am I happy with the current President?

    Look at the candidates critically, strengths and weaknesses of each, then decide.  

    If either one really inspires you, then get involved.

  3. I dont even listen to or watch that Bull Sh*t

  4. I think it's because we have a democratic-republic in which we are allowed to vote for who we think is best fit to rule. However that means that those who are choices try and shun and outdo each other in order to get attention which would they hope, lead to mroe votes for them. And in that process, they'll say all kinds of bullshit and play really dirty. Whether they carry out what they say is a different story.  

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