
Does anyone else find this crazy?

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I was looking at videos of Warren Buffett talking about his stake in Petro China (worlds 2nd biggest oil company) and it got me thinking about being a kid or at least younger in the mid/1990s and what gas prices were like for our parents back then. I'm 23. So this was when I was about 11-14 (95-98) About $1.40 or less a gallon through the 90's. Good times. Anyway. I found a chart.

am I the only one who wants to puke every time I take a drive out anywhere now. I seriously am scared to drive by a gas station in the past year or so. Kind of makes me want to get a bike.




  1. This was bound to happen.  The rest of the world was paying $6/gallon and we were paying way under $2.  I think eventually people will get rid of their big suv's, drive less, and generally conserve more and demand will wane causing prices to collapse.  If they have no one to sell it to they will be forced to lower prices just to get people to start driving again.

  2. Gotta love the big corporations running this country and the world! Lets watch gas go up and oil profits go even higher!

  3. I don't find it crazy, its the truth, reality. I don't even have a car, I sare with another person, but till recently they have started to complain to me about the car gas etc. I put in my share, i.e. if I use 1/2 tank of gas I fill up the 1/2 tank back up before I go home, clean car, car wash, check ups too. I was thinking of buying a car, I have the funds. But with how everything is going, I will no longer get now. I've decided to take a stance and forfeight my keys, and fix the bike and start peddleing.

  4. In the early 60s in the midwest,as a 16yr old, I remember paying $15.9 cents per gallon(during gas stations "gas wars". Today the high price is due to "big oil" & "wall street speculaters". Sorry my young friend,but the good old USA has been consumed and dumped on by forces that are unstopable. Grab your butt and hold on ! Lifes going to be ruff on you younger folks.

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