
Does anyone else find this unfair, hypocritical, and dunb??...?

by  |  earlier

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so i'm gonna be babysitting for 5 kids....1 1/2 yo. girl, 5 yo bor, 5, yo girl (5 year olds are twins), 8 year old girl and a 10 year old girl.......anyway...their mom asked if i knew cpr and the hiemlic...i said i only know those for adults...she blew up at me saying how i NEED to know how...i understand i mean she is a concerned parent....i asked her if she could show me because i don't have ANY money to pay for a class...and she said that she doesn't know how so she couldn't help me!!!!

how is it that SHE doesn't know but I have to??? i'll be with the kids for only 2 hours but SHE is with them every day for almost all day but SHE doesn't know?!?!?! does that make sense to anyone else?...moms please explain!!!!




  1. that is crazy. She shouldn't expect you to know it if she doesn't.

    If the child does choke then lay them over your lap head angled down, face down and give 5 hard blows to the middle of the back with the palm of your hand. Older kids can lean over a chair. Just make sure their bent over so the head is angled down.

  2. That is just plain stupid! Anyways, the hemlic is the same on an adult as it is to a child just don't press that hard on their chest.

  3. She's showing her ignorance right there.  The Heimlich Maneuvre is no longer used.

    There is tons of information on first aid online.  Look up the local site of St John Ambulance.  If this doesn't help you, then go to your local library and get a first aid manual out on loan.

  4. being a mom of two i guess i understand why she would want to know if u knew what to if something was to happen but she didnt neeed to blow up about it.I dont even know how to do it. But i would like my baby siter to be able to handle anything and not freak out.I guess some parent dont trust anybody the way they trust themsleves.(I dont have a home phone or minutes on my cell very often but i wont let anyone watch my kids unless they have a phone!)

  5. i guess her kids arent allowed to choke or need cpr for 22 hours a day so she doesnt need to know it, they are only allowed to do these things on your watch  lol  (i dont think id want the job with reasoning such as this going on)

  6. The Heimlich manouevre is no longer taught - you're far more likely to do serious damage than to save someone's life using it. The first aider who taught the course I went on (a grey haired older lady) said she had NEVER used it ever.

    But you should go on a first aid course. I wouldn't employ a young babysitter who hadn't - and no WAY would I employ a babysitter who thought being quickly shown by a parent how to do something was good enough.

  7. Do you really need this babysitting job?  The woman sounds like a wacko.  I've never required my babysitters to know CPR and the Heimlich maneuver.  Find another job with another family.

    Sometimes the money that you're getting paid is not worth the aggravation that you go through in a job.

  8. Well what you need to do is this,  Go to your local red cross,  and  ask them for a first aid flip guide,  It gives you step by step first aid instructions for both adult and child including CPR and choking.  

    heck get two copies and give one to the mom.

    You could probably get one, in a first aid kit which really you should have any how.  

    But yes it is very hipocritical of the mother.   especially if she doesn't know how to do it her self honestly, any good parent should have a flip guide in a easily accessable place both inside and out side of the home.  

    I have one in the kitchen, the bathroom,  and near the pool.

    You really should invest in the class though.  as soon as you can get the money to do so.  it is a  huge help.  

    and adult and child is not the same and child and infant is also different.  .


    confirm complete airway obstruction check

    check for serious breathing difficulty,

    ineffective cough, and weak or absent cry.

    If child is crying, coughing, it is best to let them try to clear it them selves.  

    If you determine you need to take action.  suport the infant by cradeling jaw in your hand, and their body over your fore arm.   Brace your forearm against your knee.

    Give Five back blows.  if this doesn't clear the object,  

    Sandwich the infant between your arms.  supporting the infant give five chest thrust  with two fingers in the center of the breast bone 1 finger's breadth below the nipple line thrust approximately 1\3 or 1\2  the deepth of the chest.

    The infants head should be facing down  You should be in a standing position.

    repeat back blows and chest thrust until object is expelled.


    If the infant becomes non responsive,  Perform CPR  follow unresponsive infant guide lines.  

    tap gentally, yell,    if no responce, call EMS 911  

    Then open air way using the head tilt,\ chin lift method  look listen an feel for breathing if no breathing,  if you can see the object, do a finger sweep but if you can not see obgect don't do one.   put your mouth over the infants mouth an nose, give two short breaths,

    (should be no more then an adults cheek.  check for signs of circulation. if no sign of circulation, (pulse)

    begin chest compresions,  use two fingers, in the center of the breastbone located one finger below the nipple line,

    compress the sternum 1\2 to  1 inch do 5 compressions followed by 1 breath repeat until  infant  shows signs of circulation.  or Ems arives.

    Child, choking

    ask are you choking?  if child nods yes ask can you speak? if child can't make any sound, proceed

    give adominal thrust by placing the fist of one hand pointing inward just above the navel and placing the other hand over the fist to guide it. position yourself at the level of the child, and thrust inward and upward. reapeat until object is expelled. if  child becomes unresponsive.

    Call ems

    open airway using head tilt, chin lift method. check for breathing  if no breathing,  give two slow breaths pause between breaths to give child a chance to exhale breath,

    check for breathing, coughing, or movement.

    if no signs of circulation,( pulse) begin chest compresions.

    locate notch at lower end of sternum, using your two fingers, place heal of other hand on sternum next to fingers.  use only one hand for compressions.  give 5 compressions 1 to 1 1\2 inches  followed by one slow breath.  repeat until child shows signs of circulation.  If child shows signs of circulation, but is not breathing, give 1 short breath every 3 seconds and recheck for signs of circulation  

    if child shows signs of circulation and begins breathing, roll on its side in the recovery position.

  9. I got nothing. that's ridiculous. I want to say that it's because you'll be looking after her babies, but what would she do if they needed the heimlich and she doesn't know how? RIDICULOUS.

  10. I wouldn't babysit 5 kids 4 her - she sounds rediculous. I have 3 kids myself, I know CPR and the heimlich, but I don't expect anyone who is babysitting for me (especially only for a few hrs) to know those. That is why they have 911. And she really has some nerve blowing up at you about it, especially since she doesn't know it herself.

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