
Does anyone else flint knap or make arrowhead reproductions?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering, it appears to be a pretty popular hobby. I did alot of searching online trying to find material, but it seems almost everybody sells the same types of material, obsidian, navoculite, burlington, or texas chert. I found a site that sells more rare types of material like jaspers, mozarkite, crowleys ridge flint, Hixton, and stuff like peace pipe blanks, all pretty cheap. I was just wondering if anyone else was flint knapping and was having trouble finding more rare materials? The site i found and have been buying my materials from is




  1. I don't do the flint knapping nor the beading nor jewelry making, but do get into the purchasing of supplies occasionally for people when they know I am coming from like Albuquerque to where ever they are.

    great bead and etc store on Menaul.

    Thunderbird Supply Co - - (505) 884-7770

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