
Does anyone else get a little sad when you finish a book?

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Like your saying goodbye to a good friend..... :P




  1. I do :0)

    It depends on the book though, sometimes I'm just glad that I have finished it, but if I really really enjoyed it then I get sad, I guess just knowing that it's over :p

  2. Yeah but I put in on the shelf knowing I can visit again :)

  3. I know how you feel it happens to me all the time. I buy my books instead of going to the library so i can always go back to the book if i ever feel like it. I feel especially sad if i finished a series (harry potter, twilight).

  4. I do its like you have lost something in your heart.

    Hope this helps,


  5. Totally! Sometimes I go back and read books again just to bring the characters back to life!

  6. no, books are supposed to end. i hate it when tv shows go on forever.

  7. A little bit lol.  Some I can't wait to finish, others I wish wouldn't end

  8. yeahhh that happens to me it seems to me that books change a big part of me and so leaving them even knowing that i might turn to them it also hurts very much because even if i turn to them again i will find things that are expected and very much the same (because they are) and no new feeling will makes me soo sad

    that happened in harry potter series i was soo overwhelmed by my grief that i didn't want to finish it but i couldn't ... it has been a part of my life and a happiness to me..

  9. i agree. Although you love to get to the end of the book , when that moment comes, it becomes a big moment to you ; closing it and placing it back on the shelf. Sometimes i love to read the last page over and over again, its something ive always done.

  10. Yes! Especially when a series ends and you know there won't be any more books in that series. Like, for me, Harry Potter or A Series of Unfortunate Events. I was so sad when those series were over. But, all you've got to do is find a new series of books and fall in love with those. As I have, with Twilight.  

  11. Yeah, because sometimes when i like i book i want it to not finish.

  12. Finishing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows..

    but then I remember I own it and I can read it whenever I want.

  13. No I like to celebrate...finally done with it...woohoo!!!

    Of course I'm a horrible book reader, so it's amazing if I ever get to the end of ANY book and is just cause for a celebration!!

  14. Yeah, It has to be a really good book for me to miss it, When I finished the catcher in the rye I was really sad. I felt the main character holden was like my bestfriend.  

  15. Yeah, I don't like finishing a book if I really like it. If it's dull I usually am happy it's finished. I can't start a book and not finish it...I like, have to know what happens. Haha.

  16. Yea but thats why i buy my books i can read them whenever i want again.  Which happens often!

  17. I feel like I've completed another

    journey.  I can re-live the journey

    at any time.  It makes me happy.

  18. that's funny. I thought I was the only one who felt like that. Its like I cant wait to get to the end to see how it turns out...and then when I finish reading that last sentence, I feel kinda sad.  

  19. Not at all, I am very happy, since I dont particularely enjoy reading.

  20. Omg yes! Exspecially when your done with a series. Your happy that it was a good book but sad that it's over. Like anything by Meg Cabot!  

  21. Yes.

    That is what is supposed to happen if the book has done its job.

  22. Absolutely! Whilst reading a good novel, I get so involved with the reality of the story and almost forget about what is really happening in my own story. And once I'm finally done with the novel, I look around myself and realize how nothing changed around me, and that everything I read unfortunately is not really there, and life seems so dull and colorless.

  23. If it's a good long series, yeah.

    If it's a perpetually unfinished series being raped by the author's hack writer son, definitely.

  24. Thank goodness, I thought I was the only one! Yes, I constantly feel that way, even if the book was terrible, I feel as if I am leaving a world behind. For example, when I was reading Breaking Dawn, I felt as if I was leaving Forks, Bella, and Edward forever.  Whenever I read a book, I feel as if I am a part of the story, and when it is finished, I am going away forever. Of course, the fact that I have a vivid imagination, and I have dreams about the books I read is not very helpful either... But anyway, I always feel sad, and tend to make myself feel better by reading the book again.

  25. that is exactly how i feel right now now that i've finished reading the twilight series.

  26. yes especially if it was really in-depth and i got really attached to it!

    When I read the last Harry Potter book I was depressed for like a week after it felt like it was the end of something that I had grown up with! (well it kinda was lol)

  27. yeah it sucks. i just want it to go on forever!

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