
Does anyone else get a slight sense of pride/slight smile when spell check returns "no misspelled words"?

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Does anyone else get a slight sense of pride/slight smile when spell check returns "no misspelled words"?




  1. Not gonna lie, it does make me feel good.

    I get the same kind of thrill from writing a paper single-spaced, and it has to be 8 pages or something, then double-spacing it.

    I know, I lead the most exciting life ever. Be jealous. lol.

  2. yes because Ive never really been any good at spellings :)

  3. Well, I don't use spell checks, but it has never occured to me that spelling is anything to be particularly proud of.  I have noticed it seems to matter a lot to people on yahoo answers though, I think it must be an american thing.  i've never met an English person who thought that spelling mattered all that much.

    I would have thought it would be more an occasion for pride if you had actually said something intelligent, rather than worrying about how it was spelled.

  4. that day will never come for me ; (

  5. totally. I think that my time in front of the computer (to use it for blogs, research, etc etc) paid off...

  6. No, not really.Being as though I know how to spell words. You must do though.

  7. No. I am not a woman.

  8. Absolutely.  But I have to admit that my spelling has suffered a bit since the introduction of spell check.  I've always been a pretty good speller (for a guy) but I swear spell check has made me lazy.  Sometimes at work I find that I really don't try very hard  to spell correctly, especially if I'm really busy.  I just let spell check do it for me.

  9. I have to brag here, I am awesome at spelling. I pretty much never have any misspelled words unless my fingers just got sloppy and made some typos. So that's kind of a normal occurrence for me.

  10. I forget about spell check most of the time to be honest.  I only think about it when I have a word I'm not sure about and I run it to see if it's spelled right.  But if it's a hard word, I'm happy I got it right.

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