
Does anyone else get as mad as me when...?

by Guest33967  |  earlier

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ignorant F***tards compare Bush to Hitler? You may not like him, but he is nothing like Hitler.




  1. I've never heard that.  

  2. Hahaha actually, I can speak to this.

    My great uncle Oscar (a rather unreconstructed former German Nationalist) loves Bush for the very same reasons he loved Hitler, he compared them all the time, but did so with gushing reverence for both.

    I find that any time an old-school n**i starts saying good things about your leaders, it should definitely give you pause.

    As unforgivably fringe as this once seemed, after 8 years and gut-checking with old Oscar from time to time, this sums it up pretty well.

    For my money, you really just have to ask yourself one question.... given a "reasonable" pretext for doing so, how likely would it be that the president would choose to setup secret camps, or detention facilities to send people.

    Oh ... that's right - he already has.....what you're looking at is a difference in SCALE not in kind, and that should give every US citizen some serious concern.

    It's NOT even a liberal or conservative problem - as things are so commonly phrased. A conservative - (Senator Mc Cain) could have my vote tomorrow if he pledged to close the detention camps, use the normal military judicial system for POW's, investigate and seriously root out and expose the duplicitous and possibly treasonous activities leading up to the invasion or Iraq on the part of elements within the Bush administration.

    High corruption, a fascist fetish , and disregard for the constitution is the problem here, NOT whether someone is liberal or conservative.

  3. when what

  4. Actually, I have an elderly relative who lived through World War Two and has always voted Republican including voting for Bush, she says that Bush tactics of information control and making us afraid of a particular ethnic group are almost exactly like the tactics used by Hitler.  She voted for Bush because in spite of that she felt the other guys were worse.  Go figure and do some reading and stop calling my grandma an ignorant fsomething..

  5. are you crazy?

  6. I get pretty annoyed when people can't express themselves without resorting to insults and slurs, and cuss words.

    Bush is nothing like Hitler.

    That, however, is far from a ringing endorsement.

  7. Yes I do.

    If you want to compare policies the liberals are much closer to Hitler than Conservatives. Im not saying they are close to n***s, but they are closer.

  8. I don't get mad about it, but he my son is no Hitler.

  9. people compare loads of people with hitler, chill out.  

  10. Calm down.

    People who say stupid sh==t like that obviously cannot read.

    If I were going to compare someone to Hitler, it would be obama.

    He gets the crowd emotionally frenzied (like Hitler did); he uses grandiose and inappropriate venues (Berlin speech) to make himself look like he's already the world leader(like Hitler);

    he cozies up to the unethical types (his friendship with Tony and wright, for example) who can feed his purse or his ego (Hitler made germans jealous of jewish people who had so much wealth).

    I could go on...but it's like shooting fish in barrel when you ask me to find the flaws in BO's candidacy.

    And I try not to get mad...that the liberals job! Rise above the petty foggers, friend, and Vote McCAin 2008!!

  11. I agree, he isn't. He IS a brainless, ignorant, stumbling, cretinous, boorish halfwit with the IQ of a boiled potato, and he IS a war criminal.  

  12. I have to agree.  I think Bush is a moron, but what he did was nothing compared to the n**i's.

    You do know that Rumsfeld met Saddam in the 80's to sell him weapons though.

  13. I think i can honestly say nobodies as mad as you have a nice day Y,all


    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  15.    It is ignorant to compare Bush to Hitler. The two aren't worthy of note. I say to 'more war', you are ignorant to think that Saddam was a kind, and fair ruler. Were you aware that he had 'rape-squads'? Or that he put soldiers who tried to escape the country, into rooms that rained acid on them? There are eye-witness accounts of his goons, chopping a mans' head off, and dragging the carcass around the city, to show others what could happen to them if they showed hatred towards their government? The monster Saddam, had to die.

       Granted, there were no WMD's in Iraq, which is the sole reason why we went to war in the first place, but it wasn't 'rosy', like you are refering to.

  16. I don't get too mad anymore.  You must consider the source.  It has gotten to the point where they are just making fools of themselves..

  17. You'll probably find it's down to lack of education, they probably didn't actually study WWI & II so are making it up from headlines!!  I dislike both, but Hitler was worse in ways we can only imagine nowadays.

  18. yes grab ur pitchforks and march on London.

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