
Does anyone else get infuriated with drivers who nip up the fast lane in a traffic jam then jump in further up

by  |  earlier

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its these drivers who cause jam cos we have to break to let them in!!!




  1. amen sister, I use to live in germany in the army and never had that problem cuz the law was, if you go slow on the autobahn you get pulled over and they use to pull stupid,slow drivers OFF the darn thing. Unlike here where good drivers are punished like me when I have a perfect record and I get pulled over for going 30 in a 25. 100 dollar ticket for nothing. LikeI`m  gonna run over kids or anything.

  2. yes i do, i do however block them off which i learnt after seeing a lorry driver do it make sure you have a crowbar handy though it annoys the h**l out of them!

  3. Yes they are a dangerous pain in the backside and actually cause jams and hold ups. If those half wits  get into the correct lane as soon as they can after the first sign we all get through without a problem

  4. Yes, and it happens at all times of the day, not just during school run times.

    Impatient a88holes that's all, if you got to be somewhere set off earlier.

    I do and can't remember the last time I was late.

  5. people do it.. worse is tailgaters or people on motorways who decide to cut across 3 lanes as their just about to miss their junction.

    but yer, I don't let them into the traffic if they've done it purposely.

    years ago I had a Ferrari do that to me, shortly after I saw him getting flashed by a speed camera..

    karma is nice sometimes =)

  6. Yes, it is one of my two pet hates.. the other being motorists who don't indicate on roundabouts. gggrrr!!!

    People who queue jump, like yo describe cause delays urther back in the line because of the knock-on braking... also it's very un-British!! Don't they know how to queue!!!!

    Often they are holding a mobile phone to their ears.

    Hate them, hate them, hate them!

  7. They are called WOMBATS

  8. They don't do it at the post office Q its just coz they are in the safety of there car, ignorant people.

    Imagine them pushing in at the bar like that not so big then eh.

  9. yes i do, my car cost £65 so i dont let them in and if they hit my car i dont care

  10. yes, but if the drivers up front kept bumper to bumper, and not let them in they would not do it as much!

  11. I do they are just pig ignorant.

  12. i do, dont let them in!

  13. yes it makes me really mad and when they use the bus lane and try to get back in by practicly pushing you out the way! taxi`s are the worst!

  14. I block them so they cant do that!lol.

  15. Not infuriated, but they tick me off a little, but then I feel sorry for them because I know me and all the cars behind me have someone who is giving them evils, and then snigger as we drive past, because we don't let them in!

  16. it only happens two car drivers trust me i drive a 44ton artic & not many people try it with us if they do their either stupid or reps

  17. don't we all hate that, i think you will find they do that in other ways in their life too, i have an expression i always use, they have the same attitude in the car as they do outside it.

  18. No. I have to do it all the time. If I didn't I would be very poor. If people didn't drive the kids to school I wouldn't have to!

  19. Yes

  20. Yeah, if they look as if they're trying to get in in front of me, I drive really close to the car next to me. They either have to drive on, or fall back. I always laugh at them too when they're trying to get in. Totally ignorant.... my other half does it all the time though....

  21. I should think we all do but what can we do?

  22. oh yes it most certainly does but in all honesty who has not done it at some time

  23. I will ABSOLUTELY NEVER let someone who does that cut in front of me. On a few occasions I have 'allowed' the corner of my front bumper to put a nice long crease into someone's door for trying to queue jump and pull in front of me.

    These people are my pet hate in a car

  24. There is not such thing as a fast lane.  All lanes are the same posted speed.  What is irritating and I mean the worst place I have driven with the most inconsiderate drivers are in FL.  They do hug the left lane, drive slow or way too fast, the right lane is wide open and forces all motorist doing the speed limit to pass on the right.  That is a huge lack of common courtesy.

    At least in the Midwest most people leave the left lane empty.

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