
Does anyone else get that fear when an aeroplane flies overhead?

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Sometimes a plane will pass over with a different sounding engine or it seems really low and I'll think please don't fall on my house. It's like a little pang of dread followed by relief as you hear it go off into the distance.

Is that rational?




  1. That is perfectly rational it would not be normal to think otherwise.

    If you had been brought up in wartime Britain and Europe as many of us were, you would have very good reason for your fear, and it doesn't go away.

  2. yes, even though bizarrely enough i love planes!

    when it flies over, i cower and cover my head as if it's about to drop bombs! or i scream :S

    i think it's the sudden shock of the loud noise, as well as the speed, because the power sounds so high that you automatically believe it will do damage, and because humans are defencive, we subconsciously are working out a way to fight it, even though we don't need to.

    :) x*x

  3. NOT so much aeroplanes but helicopters , i sometimes think there is gonna be another war! it worrys me but i realise that i have my whole family with me and no-one would let ANYBODY hurt me! x good luck and dont worry x i live near a train track there is one right outside my door! like litteraly im scared of something happening there:s dont worry your not alone x

  4. Everyone has slightly strange fears, you're not weird for feeling like this. I'm terrified of standing underneath traffic lights in case they fall on my head!

  5. If you see a plane you believe to be in some sort of trouble then it may be considered normal to give it a passing thought that it may obliterate your house, though not more than a passing thought.  If you are genuinely frightened then it's time to stop watching Aircrash Investigation on telly.

  6. occasionally yes

  7. nope, and it is air plane. i live near Sf airport, but...still no fear. nothing has ever happened.

  8. irrational but i can feel what ur saying........sometimes planes get too close for comfort to the ground and those memories of the attack on the nation come rushing back....

  9. Yeah anything could happen ,,, do you have anxiety problems? if not it could be developing.. I have it :0(  

  10. aeroplane?.. Irrational

  11. irrational but your not alone. alot of other people have similar fears

  12. Though improbable, the fear is quite rational.

  13. it seems fair, but you shouldnt fear, its only because you live close to an airport, 500000 planes a day fly over my head really low, its loud, but the likely hood of them crashing into your house is low, they will probably crash on the landing strip instead, so fear for the people on the plane not yourself, because youll be fine dont stress over pointless things =D

  14. Nah your completely fine, everyone is scared of something any I understand your fear as it occasionally happens to me!!

    Sometimes I wake up in the night as a plane is flying over, and although I know it won't crash I always look out the window to check lol

    Don't worry bout your 'fear' xx

  15. probably there are people that are afraid of that, i myself am not. but the fear would most likely be an effect of psychological trauma (like i don`t know, a child witnessing his town being bombed by airplanes and remembering that for the rest of his life). on the bright side, you at least get some adrenaline pumped into your system, other people foolishly risk their lives for that :) its not rational, feelings can`t be rational. you probably wanted to ask if this is strange and my answer to that would be "not at all". It`s not strange, it`s just a little uncommon.

  16. Well, I used to be scarred of heights and of any thing that flew in the sky, but when my parents took me to Hawaii on an airplane, i decided they were not so freaky after all. Now that I am older and i hear an air plane I think "Its fine its just fling to its next stop" or "turn off ALL electronics ITS THUNDER!!!". Any ways more car accidents happen than planes.But don't be scarred of those now! Hope this helps

    Hootie (weird nick name hu?)

  17. I do it! (but then I am a bit of a weirdo)

  18. Aeronausiphobia is what you have. So it is just you then!

  19. It's irrational dear.

  20. I dont get that. But I get the fear when a bird flys over me head, incase it will **** on me!

  21. We all have irrationally fears, sometimes called phobias. I don't get THAT particular fear, but depending on how loud the plane is, I get this completely irrational fear and my stomach does flip-flops and I momentarily think, "What if they drop a bomb?" Paranoid, right? Right! It only lasts a few seconds then logic kicks back in - I really think it's because of the cultural climate. Which actually embarrasses me and makes me try to become more educated and less ignorant - I really do work to be open-minded and what kind of insane tangent have I gone off on??!!?? Sorry about that - really was just trying to answer your question!

    Just an aside - aeroplane is acceptable, it's simply an alternate spelling, like color/colour, theater/theatre, etc.

  22. no i dont get scared i like to look at them  

  23. Um, not really, it is the safest way to travel, statistically speaking.  

  24. maybe

  25. No u r freaking out....LOl

  26. Rational? No.

    Even IF the plane did crash, the chances of it landing on your house are slim to none.

  27. I feel the same way! Youare not alone! Mind you the house I live in was ran into by a train when  was litt,e we live right next to one. So I have a fear of the plane coming down or the train going off the tracks again.

  28. lol yeah me too. i live near a huge power station, and when i hear a low flying plain, i think oh god, they are here to bomb it and we will all blow up!!!

  29. i used to have similar feelings when i was younger...........but now i think of it as being a lucky thing if it really did happen.......imagine all the news coverage..

    i suggest reading up on the aerodynamics of airlplanes and how they stay in the air......knowledge is reassuring

  30. Sure!

    Especially after 9/11. No need to fear, everyone gets it.

  31. I live near 5 airports.

    I do not get that fear.

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