Seems like we get screwed no matter who gets elected. The only thing that changes is what positions are being used and whether or not we are aware that we are being screwed. At least with W. everyone seems to be well aware that we have all been getting screwed for the last 8 years. And with "no child left behind" the kids were getting screwed too, and thats not cool. but really if Gore or Kerry would have gotten elected, we would have been getting equally screwed, just from a different direction.
When clinton was s******g us, at least we had a little bit more money, and he wasn't so rough so we kinda enjoyed it. So now the question is who would you rather get screwed by this time; a somewhat senile man approaching his 90's or a younger viral younger man who probably has some new ideas about how to s***w us. I think the answer is clear. any thoughts?