
Does anyone else get the feeling that the Fox News Network is staffed by crazy people?

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I've been watching Fox News lately, and you know, the people on there just seem crazy. Bill O'Reilly yells at everyone, Sean Hannity is oblivious to what others say. Laura Ingram was acting paranoid yesterday when she was talking about Religion in our society. And the Beltway Boys? Don't they have suspiciously odd body language?

Am I too liberal to see how sane they all are? Or is the Fox News Network nuttier than a fruit-cake?




  1. They may be pro-Republican, which I am not, but that is no worse than the drool fest that the left wing networks are having over Vladimir Hussein Obama.

  2. Fox news is defiantly biased toward the republican party. That is why I never watch fox to get my news. ABC and MSNBC are much better, they don't promote either side unlike fox news. Fox is way to conservative for me, I get mad when I see Bill O'Reilly. There are few people I would say I absolutely hate and he is one of them.

  3. Its because of your liberal ideals...sorry.  Just like a lot of republicans think those on CNN or MSNBC are nuts.  Its all about opinion.

    Like it or not, all news is bias.  Fox, obviously has mainly conservatives, so bein a liberal, it comes off nuts to you.

  4. Yes.. Fox freaks me out a bit too sometime.

    If you haven't already, watch the film Idiocracy.  It's really funny and their depiction of Fox in the future is absolutely a must-see.

  5. Crazy they are not but mentally constipated they are!!!

  6. The gold standard for nutjobs on TV is obviously Keith Olbermann.  If you don't agree, I can assure you that there is something wrong with you.

  7. Keep watching Fox News.  Who knows, you may notice that you develop a more fair and balanced view of the world instead of being unbalanced and tilted left!  Anyway, it is worth watching Fox because it has by far the best looking and smartest ladies on its staff.  

    Look, it is a matter of making money.  Contrary to what you may think the demographic of the country is generally center right so that is the proper demographic to address to make money. That is why Fox News wins all the Nelson ratings battles with CNN and MSNBC.  CNN has staked out the center left demographic and MSNBC has staked out the far left demographic with folks like Keith Oberman.  That is why they do not do as well as Fox. Their market share is simply smaller.  

    As an aside, it is also one of the reasons why the newspaper business is failing.  They generally address a center left to left audience using news articles written by leftists at the AP and NYTimes News Service when the majority of market is center right.  It mystifies me why the newspapers can't figure this out.  But then neither can the Hollywood producers and they are supposed to be smart people too.  They are terrible businessmen that are political agenda driven rather than market demographics driven.

  8. If you think they are crazy, why do you watch it?   There are other stations to watch or other places to get your news.  Unless you watch them just to be entertained.  If so , enjoy them because they are entertaining.

  9. haha what people that are on tv and famous aren't crazy?

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