
Does anyone else go absolutely insane when people mention they have lost weight?

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I can not stand it it makes me so angry! I don't say anything but, why do they have to mention it. I want to kill someone everytime I hear anything about weight.




  1. If anything anybody says puts you into a state of real anger, then you need to get to the bottom of it... that isn't normal nor is it healthy.  You seem to have some kind of underlying issue about it, but not knowing your situation I can't help more than that.  But really, if something so simple as that sends you into that kind of mental state, it would be worth it for you to explore that and maybe get some professional help.

  2. Why?

    Typically, society is completely centered on weight and appearance. We are so hypocritical. we call anorexia an "outbreak" one minute and then praise the thinnest person in the room the next.

    I complement you on your dedication to despising lookism, but the truth is that we are all affected by it.

  3.   I lost 55 lbs. within the last two years. I actually liked it most of the time. The two comments I didn't like was when they said I was too skinny, which wasn't true, I was still overweight according to all charts.

    The second comment was when people asked me if I had been sick.

    I wanted to say, "gee, thanks, I've totally changed the way I eat and I faithfully go to the gym for 2 hours, 4 days a week, so no, I did it the hard way."

  4. well having being overweight a few times in life I totally understand how you feel, however my anger stemed moreso from jealousy than anything.

    Why announce it?  That made me mad also, but bottom line I was so disgusted with myself which is why it angered me more.

  5. Would it make you feel better to know that I have gained 2 pounds?

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