
Does anyone else go through this...?

by Guest57310  |  earlier

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My 13 month old is usually a really good sleeper...down at around 8pm up at around 6:30am *daycare-so she has to get up that early =( *

but sometimes she goes through phases that last anywhere from a week to 2 weeks were getting her down before 10pm is inpossible & shes up numerouse times per night

I think it may be teething but if its not from teething what else would cause this to happen?

Also when shes waking up she wants to EAT!! I also know that at this age your not suppose to get up & feed them in the middle of the night but if I dont she'll cry for ten minutes , pass out for 2 minutes then shes up again crying her lungs out until I feed her

Because of this I thought maybe shes going through a growth spurt but I was under the impression that between 1 & 2 yrs old they really dont as much growth as they did in they're first year




  1. I have an 3 year old, he has been almost on an nonstop growing spurt since he was 2 months old.  he eats a lot, and healthy foods.  He doesnt like a lot of junk food.  

    My son has been in the 95% since he was 3 months old and the docs say he is very very healthy.

    dont stress and feed her when she is ready, dont over stress about when she is hungry.

    Her body regulates when she is growing not the normal.  My son is 3 and wears XS in boys.  good luck

  2. Well if she IS teething, this is most likely what's waking her up out of her ordinary schedule...but it depends on how long this has been happening and IF she is indeed teething. Which if she is, they make like...a baby orajel so I would put a LITTLE on her teeth/gums before bedtime. If she wants to eat...feed her. Don't deny a child food because it could be that they're not getting enough in the daytime...just don't OVERfeed her. At this point, I would make a doctor's appt. Nothing serious, just a routine check-up and mention what's going on to the pediatrician who can offer more accurate suggestions...

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