
Does anyone else hate cockroaches!?!?

by  |  earlier

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i have a cockroach problem, and i need to know how can you get rid of them?

please help, i hate bugs!!!!!





  1. There are many sprays and things you can purchase at the store however they are tough to get rid of so I recommend getting a professional pest control company to spray for you.

  2. Pest control companies will just fill your house with poison and it won't really accomplish much. Look for Boric Acid Powder in the insecticide aisle at the super market or home improvement store. Many times it will be in a plastic squirt bottle labeled Roach Proof or something similar. spread it along base boards, in the backs of kitchen base cabinets, along window sills and behind appliances. Takes a week or two but it WILL get rid of roaches and it is harmless to humans.

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