
Does anyone else hate how Channel 7 cover the footy?

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Ooh Channel 7 make me mad. They paid sooo much money for the footy and still cant get it right. I'm so over Bruce 'know it all' McAvaney! Does anyone else share my thoughts?




  1. I live in a regional area and I still can't figure out which channel it's going to be on after 19 rounds of trying! It sucks having to constantly check the guide and it sucked that we didn't get the Swans / Saints game last w/end. So yes, I'm with ya on this one!

  2. I answered a similar ? early in the season and I am afraid there has been no improvement yet bring back channel 9, good description of Bruce

  3. Yep, i asked this one earlier in the year. What I hate the most is when the V8 supercars are on. They don't finish till around 3pm so ch7 give you a highlighted version of the first half and then go with the live broadcast. Even when Sydney used to get c**p service from the AFL networks they ALWAYS showed the swans live. Now we get half a game. They are obviously not committed to AFL, only to their own ratings. The camera operators are all apprentices - sometimes they can't even find the ball and Bruce is in love with Dennis Cometti, listen to how he panders to him. It's pathetic.

  4. Here in America, we haven't been able to see the footy since 2005, so I don't know how channel 7 is doing. They used to be excellent of course. I know that Drew Morphett (ABC) and Ian Robertson (K-ROCK) are on the radio now. I understand Bruce, Dennis Cometti, Sandy Roberts are still on 7. Do Peter McKenna and Peter Landy still do footy on 7?

  5. Yeah .... the only good thing about the caverage on 7 is that Dennis is comentating.  The coverage was so much better on 9

  6. i hate it too. when they are commenting the game, it makes me want to go to bed.

  7. I think most people think channel 7 do a terrible job.

    The advertisments come on at the most annoying time, and there are too many of them.

    Also the fact that the AFL came out and told us that this was the best TV deal ever, and that more games than ever were going to be on TV, only to have channel 7 sell them all to foxtel.

    crappy McCrap c**p

  8. He is a commentator, what do you expect.

    If you hate him so much then dont watch the game, or if you want to watch the game, put the TV to mute or even better, go to the game that he is commentating

    And someone said above that they couldnt get the Swans-Saints game....In 2007, the AFL made the draw before any TV commitment was made.

    So when the TV rights were known, Ch 7 got games 1 and 6 in the round (Friday night and Sunday). Ch 10 got games 2 and 4 live (Saturday arvo and Sunday) and Foxtel got 3,5,7 and 8.

    The AFL does know that some teams are not on to free to air as much as on Pay TV vice verser and the AFL said that they will make the draw more viewer friendly next year

  9. A lot of people are saying bring back channel 9....please god no. I could not stand those guys, too many egos in the commentary box. Channel 7 arent great either, and yeah Bruce is wearing a bit thin. Maybe they should just give it all to channel 10? There was talk of SBS having games too, that would be good. less ads.

  10. Geez, I thought I was the only one. I can't stand Bruce McAvaney anymore, he rambles so much c**p,its unbelievable. Yes, he has all the facts and stats, but I am just sick of hearing his voice.

    As for David Swarchz, (may mispelled name) he is so boring when he commentates.

    Ch7 does not deserve to have the footy, Ch 9 was so much better.

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