
Does anyone else hate humans in general?

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i do. i hate human beings. i cant help it, they have such great potential and they don't take advantage of it and for this i HATE them.

sometimes i try to telepathically pull an asteroid from the outer solar system towards earth just because i want the world to come to an end, because humans frustrate me SO much.

sometimes my disgusted feelings towards humans makes me think i am going to go insane, because i feel this so deeply. which could be a good thing i guess, i mean i wouldn't have to deal with being aware of the stupidity that is going around, but then again if i did pull an asteroid in... i would definitely want to be aware of it, and soak in the greatness of it.

would a sort of group therapy for people who hate people be healthy? like they could go into depth about how much they hate the human race and why and sort of connect, would that be a good thing for people like me?




  1. If you're going to hate humans, I think you are hating them for the wrong reasons. You say that we have so much potential that we aren't using, but isn't progression what has caused our world so many problems in the first place? We think too highly of ourselves, that is our human problem. We think the entire universe revolves around us but we're really just nature's toy in the grand scheme aren't we? We're like intelligent microscopic beings living our pathetic lives compared to the cosmos but we don't think about that do we? Just live out your life as nature intended, live happily and make those around you as happy as you can, and you will have accomplished your mission on this Earth. Good luck.  

  2. I do, too.

    Human beings are just plain cruel in general.


  3. Then suicide,for you are an human and since you hate the human race you,therefore, hate yourself.

    (I still wonder where you could get an asteroid big enough to destroy the whole earth...)  

  4. Yes, I think the majority of people are morons.  

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