
Does anyone else hate the Kentucky Derby?

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I hate it with a passion.




  1. Actually, I just hate hate.

  2. I still love it!!!

  3. I don't hate it BUT I feel sorry for the horses getting beat with a whip to run around a track for a bunch of rich *******!!!!

    They don't give a d**n about the horse as long as it gives them fame and fortune!!!!

  4. I think my name says it all, so yes, I do. Not just the Derby, but the whole horse racing industry. It is a huge, money making industry which churns out horse after horse to be used to death, and tossed away. There are other horse related industries which aren't pretty, but this one is the worst. No one needs to tell me these horses were "bred to run" and that they "have a passion" for it. Yes, sure, I have a "passion" to eat half a gallon of ice cream everyday, doesn't mean it's good for me. If it weren't such big money, no one would give a c**p about the horses "passion to run". If they had a passion for sleep, the breed never would have been genetically bred for skinny little stick legs and the desire to run, it would have died out years ago. Not to mention that these horse they are running to death are not mature enough to handle the strain their "loving" breeders, trainers, and owners are putting them through. You want to watch them run, lose your money betting on them? Fine, wait until they are 5, start them slowly, race them responsibly, but that would cost to much. These are the most disposable horses, the "lucky"  profitable ones get out alive to have their aching bodies retired to stud farms. Not as romantic as it may seem. The mares spend their days constantly pregnant until they are no longer viable. The not so lucky, or unprofitable, are broke down and useless by the age of six, just when a horse is really mature. Guess where they end up? Shipped to Mexico to have their throats slit, because we can't soil our hands with horse slaughter in the US. Unless, of course, we call it "horse racing" and can make a big bunch of pretty green money on it.

  5. people just need to quit hating on it....horses are not used to death...most of them retire around 6 and go to farms where they are given better treatment than most people...they have barns that cost more than most peoples houses...and, thoroughbreds are made for running....if you get on one and don't let it run, it will buck you off...haven't you ever seen a jockey thrown from the horse in a race? the horse keeps is natural to them...the entire bred of thoroughbreds would be gone if it wasn't for the racing because of the fact they are fragile and are almost impossible to keep know the truth before you start bashing not only a sport, but a culture to many

  6. hate for what reason?

    give thousands of jobs to people , who would be on welfare.

    tax money to pay for all those social programs you want.

    these horse are treated as good as humans because of there value. they only work a few years and then breed and eat .

  7. Didn't you hear about the horse that came in second this year and then broke its ankles after it crossed the finish line? They had to kill it right there on the race course. It was the only girl horse in the race. It is so sad  :'(

  8. I don't "hate" it, but the fields are too big. 20 horses? Sheesh!

  9. No, i do not hate it.

  10. Does anyone else wish that people who hate the Kentucky Derby would stop asking questions on the horse racing category?

  11. I don't

  12. All of ou animal rights people just need to get a life. Honestly. Horses love to run. So do dogs. Stop whining and groaning about how terrible horse racing is. Especially those of you that do it on the internet! You've got to be kidding me! It's like people that whine about how polluted the earth is! Computers use up a lot of energy and take a long time to do anything with when they are recyled. Get off the computer and do something about it!

  13. still angry and full of hatred, huh...sad.

  14. nope.

    but it is getting annoying all your comments. you just waste your time critizing other people on something you know nothing about.

  15. Yes I do. It is ridiculous that these horses are dying due to people's greed. It really is sad how many people support this "form of entertainment". Animals are dying so people can make a buck and have some entertainment for the day.

  16. I used to love it... so excited got a hat on ebay and went with my friends to the local racetrack We had our first mint juleps.  I actually won $$ on Eight Belles.   We cashed out and went to dinner, we talked about making it an annual tradition..  Found out what happened when I got home.  I am so sick to my stomach.  I can't even begin to imagine the pain and fear that poor horse felt.  

    No annual tradition, except to pray for the safety of all the future entrants. and maybe that we will become civilized enough that we will not make animals suffer for our personal gain.

  17. I love the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes as well. Cheers :)

  18. yea, and the sad thing is. i live in Kentucky

  19. Not me. If there were not a racing industry what would happen to all the thoroughbreds? Are you or PETA or any of the other anti-racing people out there going to step up and make sure that all those animals are fed and sheltered for the rest of their lives? Limits on yearly breeding production? YES! More intelligent breeding choices encouraging bloodlines that are heavier boned and sounder? YES! But hating the racing industry itself hurts the horses worst of all. When the standardbred racing popularity declined in Michigan the market was flooded with unwanted horses, the majority who ended up on the slaughterhouse floor. So until you are ready to take responsibility for the thousands of horses suddenly out of work, you really shouldn't be encouraging people to hate racing.

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