
Does anyone else hate to answer a great boxing question after a few of the regulars have?

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I love the questions/fantasy matchups people have on here, but It stinks when a few of the regulars have already answered, there are a lot of great boxing fans here! It feels like I'm copying if I am saying the same stuff, but I just give some thumbs up and move on.




  1. Yes

  2. WOW! Just imagine if everyone who has answered so far got 2gether in one room for a night of boxing roundtable talk! This question has brought out the best and brightest minds so far. Thumbs up to everyone! I have nothing to add (surprise) that hasn't already been said, only that if I had half the brainpower and experience that most of the above answerers have I could take over for Larry ''evil brow'' Merchant!  All u guys rock and tonite should be a good night for boxing!

  3. yes and no. It does kinda suck to be fourth or fifth in line with the same answer. Then agian, it's nice to have the validation of your opinion by several other boxing fans.

  4. I usually answer questions before I look at what other members have to say.   When I look before I submit an answer, I am looking to see if someone has posted a thought similar to mine or a thought not reflected in my own post so I can give him/her a real thumbs up.

    Don't worry about repeating what someone else has said about a fantasy match-up.  You probably have something new to add.  Besides, you have an opportunity to show that "Great minds think alike."

  5. Solution: I could start posting answers in boxing and you could follow my post. I know nothing about boxing. That would break it up a bit. (kidding)

    I enjoy the posts in this category for some strange reason. So keep posting, okay?

    If you think your redundant, just drop in elections for a while and look for Obama fans, hope, change, hope, change, .zzzz...zzzz.....zzzzz...

    Hey there Elmer, just love your wit.

  6. I think it helps to look at the site as more of a forum or conversation and you can add or expound on others answers. A lot of times Woody will say something very similar to what I was thinking so I'll just say thumbs up to him and just maybe add a thing or two. Other times my thoughts are going too fast and I just post before I read the others answers so I may repeat but it is just in different words. There is nothing wrong with that I don't think people mind being mentioned in others answers infact it is encouraging that someone is actually reading what you wrote other than the asker.

    The only thing people do have problems with is when someone copies and pastes another persons identical answer on another question. A couple people have pointed out times this has been done in this section and I actually think it is kind of funny but definitely a ridiculous thing to do.

    Great where everyone has a little something they can add I'm sure even if their answer was already taken. I'ts not about the best answer always but about contributing and being heard. Thumbs down even is progress because someone took the time to acknowledge your response.

  7. Not at all. I can only learn better from the knowledgeable people on here. The reason I enjoy the site is to learn more and to share my knowledge at the same time. It's not a contest to me and if i never get voted a best answer that's ok with me, and long as i learned something and helped someone else learn something then i'm fine.

  8. no,

    because after you read the answers, you will come up with something new to add,

    or if nothing to add then just give thumbs up to all deserving answers and move on!

    it's not a competition (don't be afraid of Getting Sur-r-r-rv'd! here)

    extra knowledge and opinions is always welcome!

  9. No......... There are basically 2 types of boxing questions asked on Y/A:----- The 1st type of questions posed, as you indicated,  concerns OPINIONS on who would win & how would they  win fantasy matchups ?  Such subjective  opinions have been debated by fight fans for hundreds of years.-------The 2nd type of questions  ask BOXING TRIVIA  questions such as what champs retired undefeated ?   or what fighters had over 125 fights ?  or who did Ray Robinson beat to win the Middleweight title ? These questions seek objective facts not subjective opinions-------- The only answers I dislike are those answers that belittle boxing in favor of MMA, Wrestling, etc.

  10. I know the feeling. I feel the same way many times. When Santana D was alive and with Blogbaba now, it can be tough. There are many times I go to answer and someone said what I would say basically. But they are both very intelligent men. Here are my keys, answer first, if they answer what you would have, answer it with better details. To me, the point is to be natuaral. I have won alot of questions I answered late. Just be yourself. Santana was, and Blog is a good friend of mine here. W/L/D on a question, others see you. Even if you do not get top answer, people see you and in time respect you. But when you get to know the top 10 people, there is no shame in being #2 to them. They are very intelligent Boxing minded people. Do not hate it, compete with them, it speads knowledge, and that is a win/win situation for everyone. As I said, I like to compete here. I was #3 at one time, it is fun. But keep it clean and don't hold grudges. People are cool here if you get to know them  :)

  11. Jeez, beat by Yahoo's boxing great's again. Yes I know how you feel. You have guy's like Toughguy-Blog-Woody-Elmer fud-Aceman-Galactus- Mrraraavis - RJJ Fan-Etc. etc.( I still smile when I think of Ric_Zenbach's  Michael Jackson comment.) These guy's answer's/questions can make a man feel a wee bit small at times. (That list wasnt a p-4-p best. In no particular order.)

    It's odd how a man can view himself at times. For instance, me, I'm my own worst critic. So fail to comment sometimes because I feel I cant bring enough to the table. However, everybody has their own unique twist and flavor they can add to a discussion, and yours is always welcome friend.

    Or you could do what I do, just say the heck with it, i'm winging it, and make some S**t up.

    Blogbaba - " Beats you to the punch and steals your thunder"...HaHa- Thanks Blog, but sometimes I feel you may be the lightning and i'm just, you know, the after affect, the noise (thunder)

    Toughguy - There's been several times I did'nt comment because I did'nt feel I could even add anything to a already great comment from you.(So cut it out - now.)

  12. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here on this forum and I am frequently impressed by the answers I see on here before I give my own opinion.  People like Blogbaba, Celtic brawler, Maurice, Devon, Brent, Galactus, ACEMAN, GOAT, Elmer fuddstein and some other new ones here are so informative and thorough with the answers, that I often have a very difficult time choosing a best answer.  I used to think that I gave some good answers and I do still try and give as honest and thorough an answer as possible, but I look at some of the previous answers and just say WOW!  But it really does not discourage me as I would rather see it that way than a bunch of uninteresting answers as it's really a lot more fun to me reading these outstanding answers whether mine is going to be the best or not because I know that many times I just can't beat some of the incredible answers.

  13. d**n Ric took the words out of my mouth :) he answered exactly what i was thinking. okay seriously though, just dont be like some people on here who "cheat" just so they can be on the top 10 list and thats all that matters, it really doesnt bother me if someone answers almost exactly what i wanted to say because to me, it gives me a satisfaction that others think like me also. and just like Ric said, if i answer a certain question and someone answers with more detail than me than i myself would give them a thumbs up and thats all you can do.

  14. I too sometimes find that guys like ACEMAN, toughguy, G.O.A.T. and Elmerfudstein give the answer that I was thinking before I can comment.  Ric, Brent and especially Pancho almost always have better answers that I do, but just reading what they write makes the place worth visiting, each answer still teaches me a lot about boxing regardless of who the author is.

    Santana was a cut above even the best of us, and he took it to another level above just boxing knowledge.  He taught honor and decency.  He had the ability to teach kids that character, in and out of the ring was what truly defined greatness.  He always had more class that I did, and he made me want to be a better person as well as a better boxer.  Great guy, great man, and an irreplaceable loss.

    Hate is the wrong word, but yeah it's a bummer when somebody like Paulie or Celtic brawler beats you to the punch and steals your thunder.  They do it all the time, but when you consider all the talent this site attracts, it's over all a very good and positive situation.  The quality and in depth analysis some of these guys bring is priceless.  It raises the bar far above average and we all benefit from the group.

    If there is anything I hate about this site it is the constant attempts by the legions of Tyson fans to elevate Mike to a historical status he doesn't deserve.  All heavyweights hit hard, but not all heavyweights start their careers backed by Cus, Jacobs, and Clayton and trained by Atlas and Rooney.  Mike's early media coverage and press releases were a lot better than his boxing ability.  Knocking over a couple dozen tomato cans doesn't make you an all time great.  Character and competition does.  I find answering the same question repeatedly is a pain, and  that is about the only knock I can bring.  The high level of answers so many bring to this site is a good thing, it has created a pool of boxing knowledge and talent that is a real resource, and I am pleased to be a small part of it.

  15. Yah, there's a couple of guys that, when they beat me to the answer, I try to find something no-one else said, even if I hardly believe it myself.

  16. Wow, there are a lot of great answers here already & some of the best regulars have been here already!

    Thumbs up blogbaba! As usual.

    Especially in regards to the over hyped Tyson. I usually picture someone who's in his twenties and didn't have the opportunity to see a lot of the greats of the 70's

    but they were around for the marketing of Tyson & bought it hook line and sinker!

  17. In Fact, It's bothering me right now.

  18. Yes and No. I`ve seen so many excellent answers on posts before I resigned myself to finding another question to answer, but every once in a while I see a c***k in the armor of our best and I do exploit it. Fortunately for me some of our best have weakness for their favorite fighters and it`s rather easy to knock them down a peg. I get a kick out of participating here because I almost always walk away more informed.

  19. I don't mind it at all.  I rarely have the same answer as the regulars do and if I do so what?

  20. I will speak my mind first then read the other answers after. I don't read the answers first because I will feel like I copy their answers.

  21. I would like to answer this, but elmer, has again beatin me to the punch!

    I'm thinking, what's the point?

  22. Good Question,Sometimes it can be a little tiresome when you see the same people awarding one other thumbs up or best answers,a lot of times it's because of a generational and ethnic bias,these people have probably joined the group together  and may,for all I know ,even e-mail or phone each other!I live in England and we are often last to get the Questions and when I see the old boys network browbeating others who's thinking differs I rarely bother answering,fortunately I go on other sites and don't take yahoo Answers or the punters to seriously,they are cyber people and I'm not really sure who they are other than most are from America and I live in England,(a handicap in the boxing fraternity on its own)Don't take it to seriously mate!Already a pattern is developing and it's plain who the contenders are for 'best answer'itll be an american regular with an orange 2 friends have already stopped coming in this forum because of the time lapse re questions,and a certain criterea of boxing questions,it's a shame but it obviously does matter for thumbs up or best answer as people wouldnt just come on to see the same clique congratulating each other all the time.

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