
Does anyone else hate when their friends want ot split the bill at a restaurant?

by  |  earlier

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seriously I had a friend her husband and their son we all went out i got a salad and a water nothing else they got appetizers dinner and drinks and wanted to split the bill. whats a polite way of saying no in this situation I really dont see it as fair. do you think its a fair situation since there were four of us total?




  1. NO IT"S NOT FAIR!!!  Next time...ask for separate checks "BEFORE" the meal.

  2. I don't worry about splitting the food bill but I do have a huge problem with having to pay for others alcohol. As a non drinker or someone who never has more than one, I hate having to spend an extra £20 - £30 on drinks that I haven't consumed and don't see why I should. Especially as I am in a low paid job!!

    In your situation where you obviously didn't have as much as anyone else they should have suggested you pay less and if they don't I think you are perfectly within your rights to speak up!!!

  3. get in there first and just say we all pay for what we got yea?? they cant dispute with that they are taking you for a rie and if it was your friend your husband and your son i doubt she would foot the bill

  4. I would just say I only brought enough to pay for my own.That isn't right of your friend.I wonder if someone would do that on purpose..

  5. You could have told them that had you also had appetizers and drinks you would have been glad to . . . . but you only had a salad this time.  Ask the waitstaff for a separate bill.

    For those who budget their expenses you can easily see you tab for the night out being doubled if you must pay for their appetizers/drinks.  How is that fair to you?

  6. We all agree that this isn't fair. Just politely point out that you need the money for something else, and you ordered things of varying cost.

    If this has already happened, don't chase after the money now, it would put a strain on the friendship. Just remember for the next time you share a meal together at a restaurant.

  7. I hate that.  We have a family friend who does it all the time, no matter how many people protest.  It's totally unfair when some people are trying to be thrifty, and the others are taking advantage because they know exactly what's going on.

    You can try explaining to your friends that you only ordered a salad, there's a reason you only ordered the salad, and you can only afford to pay for your sald.  If you're worried that this will jeopardize your friendship, jsut bite the bullet and pay.  But next time, ask for separate checks... before you order.

  8. I sure do hate it, when me and my boyfriend first started dating, we would split it, i think its because we used to be best friends. But now he pays for the whole bill most of the was just awkard at first. But if you guys are good friends. One person shouldnt have a problem paying for a meal depending on where it is

  9. I would say that I only ordered a salad, and that is what I will pay for, if they don't like it tough.

    There has been many times were I have been left to pay for someone else meal, and I am on a pension, I cried when I had to fork out an extra $30 something for a meal I did not order, and my meal was only $9, left me very short for groceries, what irks me is I have never found out who did not pay for their meal.

    So now I pay for my meal as soon as I order it, makes for clear understanding, so I wont be left to pay for some else meal and I can't be blamed for not paying for my meal either.

  10. hmm, in austin (where i live) it is common practice to write on the back of the reciept how much you want to pay.  

    ie, the back of the receipt would say:

    smith - $5.50

    jones - $3.00

    and the tray would have 2 credit cards and some cash in it, or whatever.  its nice.  maybe you could just start doing that?

    otherwise... i would do as others suggested and ask for seperate tickets when you give the order.  that makes it a bit easier for your server also.

  11. yea especially when you only got like the muffin and juice and you end up paying for the shrimp and steak. i understand

  12. I would never split the bill unless:

    A) The other person or party pays their share down to the same amount you spent on your share, and THEN you can split the bill fairly (but if you were to do that, might as well just pay for your own meals).

    B) The other person doesn't have enough money and promises to pay me back

    C) I was on a date and didn't have enough money to pay for both of us (but of course that would benefit me and I would pay the person back).

    A polite way of saying no is to say, "Hey, wait. I don't think it's fair that we split the bill. I spent very little on my meal compared to what you spent. I think we should pay our own shares because splitting it would mean me paying for more than what I got."

  13. wth??

  14. I went on a date once it was me and my daughter and this guy and his two kids.  We went to Chili's.  Me and my kids meal was like $23.  He paid but asked if I would get the movie which turned out to be $32.

    One he asked me out, two I realized he was a real cheap skate, three there was no way I would go out on a date with him ever again.

    I got shafted the t**d.  Next time tell the waiter as you order your food that yours will be on a separate check.  They will get the point.

  15. Get separate bills. Otherwise not fair. Don't go out with them anymore.

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