
Does anyone else have Trichotillomania? How do you deal?

by Guest32501  |  earlier

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How do you cope with this life-destroying disorder?

Have there been any breakthroughs in science, ie. a vitamin they've found that reduces symptoms or something?




  1. Yes, i do. Have for over 10 years....

    I forever and covering up my massive bald spot...

    I would love to eamil with u as i have never talked to anyone with this b4

    Wow! I am so conforted to kow that there r others with this.

    I can relate to what the girl sai about not having a cute haircut... I havnt been to the hair dresserin ages. More to the point, I quit being a hairdresser becasue of my baldness. Last time i went to one, i told them i had cancer, to explain my baldness... Horrid.. but i was so emabressed

    My love to all

  2. I started pulling at my hair when I was 9 years old. Everyone thought I was crazy and always made fun of me for having a bald spot. I didn't understand why I did it. My mom keeps coaching me and telling me that I can stop. But I can't. Never in my life have I been able to do my hair up all cute and make it look good. I always have these nasty little bald spots to cover up. I've been wearing pony tails ever since. I can't just let my hair down. I'm so sick of it. I would get mad at myself all the time for doing it. Sometimes someone comments on how bad of a hair day they're having and I'm just thinking.."You have no idea!"

    Well, I'm 16 years old now and I still have trichotillomania. I've gotten used to it and I'm not ashamed now. People will tell you that you need a pill for it, but you don't. They just like to tell you you're crazy. I mean, look at the name tricho tillo MANIA - like we're insane or something. I'm sure there's a better reason to explain why I do it. It would be nice to know what it is. But for now, I'm gonna enjoy my life and I'm only as crazy as "I" want to be! lol  

  3. Trichotillomania is caused by stress, so if you're going for the vitamin route, I would suggest picking up things that supply more dopamine and saratonin, if there are any non-medication ones that do. Also - this sounds crazy - but if you eat junk food, try to stop, and if you don't exercise much, try to. I know these are pretty much treatments for depression, but trichotillomania, though it IS considered a disorder, is very much a symptom. Not necessarily of depression, but of stress.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  4. no, but therapy and possibly anxiety medications will help triggers. if you get down to why you are pulling, then you can help fix it.

    i do it when i get really angry, or am just sad and dont know what to do to pass the time until im happy again.

    good luck

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