My cat, Eddie, goes nuts in the front window when I pull up and he sees me. When I walk in the door he climbs furniture and jumps frantically trying to get to me while purring..almost yowling to get my attention. And while I am at home, he is by my side constantly. If I pee, he sits and watches. If I take a bath, he lays next to the tub. If I'm at the computer, he's at my feet. He spends most of his time in my face rubbing, and just laying on my shoulders and around my neck (even though he doesn't fit so well lol). He just loves loves loves to cuddle and be loved on constantly. Sometimes to a point where it's difficult for me to get much done. I'm just wondering if there are many other cats like this to this extent or if he's just one of a million like it. My family thinks he a little above average in the affection department. Thanks ahead of time for any input!