
Does anyone else have a cat that gets extremely excited when you come home and follows your every step?

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My cat, Eddie, goes nuts in the front window when I pull up and he sees me. When I walk in the door he climbs furniture and jumps frantically trying to get to me while purring..almost yowling to get my attention. And while I am at home, he is by my side constantly. If I pee, he sits and watches. If I take a bath, he lays next to the tub. If I'm at the computer, he's at my feet. He spends most of his time in my face rubbing, and just laying on my shoulders and around my neck (even though he doesn't fit so well lol). He just loves loves loves to cuddle and be loved on constantly. Sometimes to a point where it's difficult for me to get much done. I'm just wondering if there are many other cats like this to this extent or if he's just one of a million like it. My family thinks he a little above average in the affection department. Thanks ahead of time for any input!





  1. My cat is 13 years old and still goes bananas when I come in the door. I rescued her and her brother from being put down as they were so sick with URI. I had them for 2 months nursing them back to health. They would sit at the window facing the driveway, my son's room. At the same time every day they would both get in the window waiting for my car to pull in. One day my son told me to look up at his window as I was pulling in. Sure as the world, there they both sat, at that window looking out at my car. I stopped and waved to them, lol. Bye the time I got up the stairs and to the back door. There they were sitting at the door waiting for me to come in. Your kitty is so happy to see you and he obviously loves you very much. That's why he waits for you and that's why he doesn't want to leave your side after you are home.  It's an instinct for cats and dogs, like their internal clock tells them what time their owner will be home. I think it's awesome on how they know when their owners come home.

  2. Yes, my Himmie Kiwi does that to my husband all the time.  Try playing with him with a laser pointer and tired him out a bit by running around.  Some cats are dog-like and don't realize that cats are supposed to be aloof and independent *L*

  3. Yes, my cat is like that too.  He is laying at my feet under the computer desk right now.  Not all cats are independent.  My cat is the total opposite.  He always follows us around and sleeps on my pillow at night.  He hates being by himself and he is very outgoing.  Whenever there is a knock on the door, he is the first one to it and he always runs up to our guests to greet them, even strangers.

  4. My cats are the same way. I don't think yours is above average.  My cats greet me when I come home, follow me everywhere, even to the bathroom as you said, and are there when I go to bed and when I wake up.  If my alarm clock goes off for me to get ready for work and I don't get up, they wake me up.  They talk to me also, I may not know what they are saying, but I know they care. Cats are very loving animals.

  5. yeah my cat goes crazy and gets all hype and she tugs on the couches and carpet and she is so crazy.  she waits till i come home to feed her and sit with her when she already has her food but she likes to have some company.  when i come home from like shopping when she hears the door close and the alarm, she flys down the basement and waits near the door.  she can be a pest but my whole family loves her.  shes crazy in a cute and funny way. and my cat loves to be cuddled and loved too.  and she slleps on the bed too.  

  6. My cat goes crazy when i wake up early in the morning whn shes woke she extra hyper in the morning

  7. be very glad that you have a kitty that loves you so much.

    its a wonderful thing.  i had one once, followed me around when i brushed me teeth, weeded my garden, washed the car, etc.  best cat i ever had and lived to be over 14 yrs old.

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