
Does anyone else have a family member that you don't get along with?

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i don't get along with my older sister and i REALLY get pissed when people try to tell me that you only have one family and no matter what they do, you're supposed to stick by them. i love my sister, but she's stolen my mother's credit card and run it up (mom had to take out a warrant on her to get the card company to drop the charges on the card- my sister now has a felony on her record because of that), my sister turned her lights on in my name (and didn't tell me) and ran up a $300 bill, then she didn't pay for it (my mom had to pay it off so that i could get lights in my name at my new apartment) and my older sis has stolen money from my younger sis. basically, it isn't mistakes she's making, this is simply her character. she treats her friends better than she treats her family. she likes to argue so she'll pick a fight over absolutely anything and i've actually avoided family vacations if i know she'll be there because she likes to pick fights with me and then make ME out to be the initiator. and she's been like this her whole life. i get tired of people telling me that i should continue to turn the other cheek, and when i forgive her to only be the victim of her manipulative and evil behavior. does anyone else have a relative (parent, sibling, cousin, grand parent, etc.) that you've tried to love but they make that impossible? do you also get tired of people telling you to "get over it" when you know that getting over it, would only mean that they'll do the same thing again?




  1. You should go on a TV show! Like Jerry Springer or Dr. Phil or something. Sounds like the perfect story!

  2. No matter what will happen still she is your sister.  Face the reality that she is your sister and it means whatever she does still she is your sister. lol You can't dump her because she is still your sister. lol That's life girl!

  3. you should let her know where she stands with you. an arms length away...if u know what i mean. and start ignoring her totally dont say anything to her just sart picking the fights then she can have a taste of her own medicene ;)

    and do things to annoy her like use all the hot water in the shower, little things like that added up will really p**s her off.

  4. Oh yes! There are nasty people all over the world, just because they are related to you doesn't make them innocent. If that was the case then everyone would be innocent because we are all related to someone. I would just tell people this:

    "Thank you for you input, but I am doing what is best for me and my family. I truly hope that you are never repeatedly put in such a difficult position by someone you care about."

    You are going to have to kind of turn your nose up a little. There is no way around it. Hold your head a little higher and stand firm. Others will back off pretty quick. Or they will at least shut up! :)

  5. Your sister and my brother must be related somehow!

    Google "narcissistic personality disorder" or "antisocial personality disorder" and see if that all looks familiar to you.

    I tell myself that my brother is sick and just because he is sick in a way that makes him mean doesn't mean I'm sick and I don't have to be mean in return.  I've organized my life so that he is not a part of it.

  6. I would cut her out of my life with a quickness. my younger sister is the same way and we have only begun talking recently( we didn't for three years) everyone needs to quit making excuses for her, and asking you to excuse her behavior too.  She knows right from wrong, obviously she was taught the same as you.   maybe she will stop the bs if people cut her out of their lives.....

  7. its normaly the mother in law lol

  8. My Father

    My Mother - till they dead.

    My mother is still haunting me in one or the other way.

    I have a sister who is a literate brute. I am her only blood relative living.

    But she never tries to speak to me at least on phone.

    Now, I am widower. I lost a very good life partner. I am so unfortunate.

    Nobody cares.

  9. everyone has someone they dislike in their families. it sounds like she is not happy with herself. she is a miserable person.maybe you should just backoff from her for awhile and just pray for her. if she wants to know why you won't talk with her, just tell her that you need some space and that you are praying for her to change her ways and her life. she will probably want to fight with you again and say, i will be praying for you and let it be. hang up or walk away . please pray for her , she needs to be prayed for.

  10. my sister and my brother and my younger cousin and my uncle...nothing like what you have of course....i REALLY have a problem with my uncle...and i tell him how i feel and its not nice what i say and everyone calls me disrespectful but i dont give **** cuz he takes it to heart(at least while hes at my house) and wont do the same stuff younger cousing is a total brat and i tell him exactly how i feel also9same with my borther and sis) i feel its better to be straightforward even though sometimes its disrespectufl they will eventually thank you...u and ur mom need to talk to her and get things straight maybe negotiate...your mom needs to set standards for her personality type nopt what she wants them to be.

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