
Does anyone else have a problem holding down the C major chord on a guitar?

by  |  earlier

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I just started guitar, and I'm just wanting to know..

Does anyone else have problems keeping theirs fingers in the middle of the fret?

because by the time I get my fingers situated, my ring finger is too close to the second fret to play properly.





  1. oh yeah!!!!!! that's why i play classical guitar. CHORD R SOOOO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!! But c major's not the worst. try b minor

  2. Practice is the only thing i can say man... It sounds like your going to have the same problems with bar(re) chords... Try the gripmaster exercise tool to strengthen your fingers so you can hold them farther and longer.

  3. you can cry when you get to a g9 untill then keep practicing!

  4. You've just said it "I just started the guitar". So it's normal, just practice,

  5. I've been playing guitar for approx. 3 years and at first, chords such as C major are annoying and awkward, now, though, i have really no problems with chords so my advice is to just keep practicing and keep guitar as a priority if you want to get anywhere

  6. Here is why personal instruction is so important.

    If I understand you correctly, you misunderstand an important aspect of playing guitar.  Your finger(s) should be as close to the fret as possible without being exactly on top of it, not in the middle.  Try this - with just one finger, fret a string so that your finger can feel the fret.  Push down with just enough pressure until the string doesn't buzz when you pluck it.  Now with the same pressure, move your finger towards the neck to the middle of the fret and the string will start to buzz, move it back and it stops.  What is important here is that by fretting correctly, you conserve energy, and remain relaxed.  Without relaxation you will never play dynamically. And that vice grip you are certainly using is going to require surgery on your hands one day.

    See the first link for correct fretting of c chord.  If you have trouble with it, don't worry, you're hand will eventually stretch and get used to it.  Be sure your thumb is correctly placed as well, see 2nd link.

  7. I have that problem! Good thing to know I'm not the only one. I can never hold down the stings enough, they always buzz and it's really annoying. We'll get it soon!!!! Good luck!

  8. Well, I know your going to hate hearing this but theres not much you can do but practice.  Eventually your fingers will get used to where to go, especially if you use the same guitar,  

    I know this isn't really what you asked but this helped me hitting C in a chord progression.  Try to hit the root note, C obviously, first with your left hand because if your playing a downstroke it will be the first note you hit and give you a little extra time to get the other fingers down.  I know it seems pretty useless but try it out.

    All the best.

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