
Does anyone else have a problem with Lewis Hamilton?

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I can't believe the conversation I've had in the pub tonight. There were about 6 white guys of various ages all saying that it was great that he won the Monaco Grand Prix....but....words to the effect that it's a shame that he's the 'wrong colour'

My god, what's all this then???




  1. whatever is 100% right in his answere....I to feel colour has nothing to do with it..he is such a self centerd child that thinks  f1 revolves around him..if Nico rosberg was in a mclaren or ferrari he would beat lewis or be just as good as him,but he is a level headed person that is a joy to listen to..every time i hear lewis compare himself to shumi or senna just annoys me sooo much..he is just a big headed ***

  2. This is no surprise

    I've been saying it for months that the hatred that has been spread about Lewis does partly stem from jealousy but mainly him being the first black man in a sport hitherto dominated by white males.

    He is damned for working hard and propositioning Ron Dennis at 11 years old! If say, the roles were reversed with Anthony Davidson and HE had had the chutzpah to do that we would not be having this discussion and we would be saying 'Oh, that poor black guy who's team went under, he was really good , coulda been a contender'

    Sad, sad, sad

    But hey, he was probably shagging Nicole Sherzinger last night and this morning so i doubt he really cares about pub talk!!

  3. I do have a problem with him, not because the color coz I'm a fan of Tiger Wood, Micheal Jordan...

    I just envy with his skills and success, can't believe he just only 23 and this his only second year in F1 race.

    But most of all why I do have a problem with him, just because he's outshine Kimi Raikkonen (i'm a The Iceman's fan)...

  4. thats the kind of attitude you get from guys whose mothers are also their sisters

  5. Welcome to the world!

  6. I do have a problem: He is a British driver! I hate everything that has to do with England and Britain.

  7. Racist !

  8. Men are created equal. and racism is already burried in history!

    Is Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, etc.. were critisized by their colors? WTF are they talking about?

  9. No, he is a brilliant driver, not the best ever but as good as anyone on the current grid. I think some of the hatred stems from the fact he was given a championship contending car straight away, didn't have to work his way up through the little teams like Alonso ( Minardi) and Raikkonen ( Sauber).

  10. Now that is a racists remark.Lewis was born here and his father from that beautiful Carribean island of Grenada.They are a God fearing family we all should be proud of him,and the discipline he has been taught.Ask your freinds if they could steer a ballistic missile around the streets of Monaco at blistering speeds.they would be screaming for mammy before the first corner.So you dont share their view the bloody well tell them so man.

  11. I have absolutely no clue why anyone would want to bring up the fact that Lewis is black and still use that as a reason to discredit him and his accomplishments.  People should just admit it that he's a very talented driver who will one day be a World Champion!!!

  12. i respect him and would love to meet him he is a amazing guy who i wouldnt mind having as a friend

    hes a gr8 talent

  13. I have no problems with him :D

    I think its great that we have a decent driver from the UK who has a chance of actually winning something.

  14. There's absolutely nothing wrong with him!! I'm very glad that's he's racing for my country and everyone else should be too!

  15. racism at it worst. People like that make me sick. I Like Lewis and his skin colour has got nothing to do with it. I abhor racism. I take people on their personality, no matter what colour, shape or creed. I bet these people like to be brown in the summer too

  16. to mr muffing above, if you hate everything to do with Britain and England why are you posting answers in the UK section, why did you dedicate your time to learn the English language?

    However to answer the question, I dont have a problem with Lewis' skin colour, only racist biggots do.  But I dont think Lewis should be encouraging the entourage he seems to be getting, I mean what the h**l was that buffoon P Diddy doing there celebrating with him

  17. I don't care what color he is...he's an arrogant self-centered child.  His attitude is just plain cocky, and his head won't fit into that helmet soon at this rate....

    Needless to say, I can't stand the guy.

  18. Thats a sick racist remark. Although he steals the podium place from Kimi and Massa we hate him for that. But at the end of the day he is a great racer, very less have such supporting and loving family and Lewis does the same. Infact we should learn from him. He is a perfect example of a struggler.

  19. The 6 white guys are no dount SS fans behind closed doors and are just jealous.

    Best thing to do with idiots like that is just to ignore them.

    When Lewis lifts the world title for England at the end of the year, I bet not one of them says anything about his colour them.

    Great guy Lewis, I wish him all the best in 08 / 09 .

  20. I dont have a problem to do with his colour, what I dont like about him is his arrogance

    ok yes im a ferrari fan because im part italian (family heritage) and brought up on Michael Schumacher (im a white male 21) as he was the main man

    but what I dont like about Lewis is the fact he made the comment about people in slower cars being "monkeys" hello he is the luckiest guy in the world to just waltz into Mclaren and all he had to do was beat Pedro De la Rosa who lets face it doesnt have the greatest F1 record - Mclaren already at the time sewed up Alonso to come to them and Lewis is Rons prodigal son so its obvious he was going to be considered and remeber a while back when he (Lewis) let slip on an ITV interview that at the Monza GP in 2006 he was told by Ron he got the drive - then he persits to put it in peoples face that im Hamilton and im the next Senna

    What I dont like also is the fact that walking into Mclaren he thinks he should have the placed paved with gold just because he is Rons favourite

    Ok he can drive a car but he is no Senna and no Schumacher or Fangio or Nuvolari and if were going to think like this then look at Formula Renault and the Christondulu boys who also have talent

    lets get one thing clear here - he is a lucky guy Sutil pushed him all the way when they were team mates and was unlucky to miss out on the title, as was Pantano wasnt it? in GP2 before he moved to F1

    he is lucky to be at Mclaren with out having to do an "apprentership" in a Minardi type car like a lot of other people have had to

    he hasnt worked for the privelage of driving for Mclaren and constantly thinks he is gods gift at F1 because he is now the Mclaren number 1 as Heikki also let slip recently that he has been told by Ron Dennis that he is the number 2

    and Ferrari get criticised for being favourites with drivers yet Mclaren do it with Britains golden boy - thats why I dont like Hamilton

    He is a nice enough guy most probably but he is far far too arrogant for my liking and for other people

  21. I don't give a rats a*s what color he is I just can't stand his holier than thou attitude.

  22. I think everyone has a problem with Lewis - but not because of his skin colour - it is because of his attitude.  i had posted a question and most people agreed that they did not like lewis,except if they were british.

    nevertheless, the guys in your pub are racists and that is shameful.

  23. I respect him also, but other people don't because of his physical appearance. he is a great driver he will be a world champion one day. For all of you RACIST out there Don't judge a person with it's color it is a disgrace because God created us equally and we all have pa purpose of living in his world.

  24. Colour has nothing to do with anything how can you be the wrong colour!  

    I have more of a problem that he looks the spit of Mr Potato head =os nothing to do with colour but he really does look like him!

  25. it is shame to the part of racing history

  26. Can't stand the bugger pink blue or black.

  27. No. I am not his fan, nor am I a hater. To discriminate someone based on skin colour or anything physical, is always wrong. I don't like it when people do that.

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