
Does anyone else have a "hot" baby?

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My daughter just turned one month yesterday, and she is hot all the time. When you touch her skin she is warm, not feverish, just warm. Anytime she sleeps, she wakes up sweaty, and at night, I can only have her sleep in a onsie, and that's with no covers. If I cover her, by the time I wake up, she has kicked her blanket off. (I wrap the blanket around her lower body) We keep our house at 78 and we have a ceiling fan in our room, and she still wakes up sweaty. Has anyone else ever experienced this?




  1. My baby too was "hot"  she would always wake up sweaty.  I had to try all different kinds of blankets till I found one that she would not over heat in.  Cotton is the best, all the cute, soft baby blankets were too hot for her.  We finally found one, and she still uses it, she is now 2 1/2.

    78 seems a bit warm, maybe try keeping it closer to 70?

  2. You may or may not know this but, A infant under 6 months of age doesn't regulate their own body temperature like you and I do.  Their bodies respond to the temperature they are around.  If you find that your infant is a little to warm most of the time try turning the heat down a little bit.  Room temp for a infant is ideally around 70 degrees.  

    It seems low to you because you are used to the warm temperature and your body can regulate it's own heat.  If that seems a little cool for you maybe try 75 degrees.  Do whatever you feel is right for your child.  Speak with your doctor and let them know your concerns.  If the infant is sweating a lot ensure to offer extra fluids.  Infants can dehydrate very quickly.

  3. my little wants to be swaddled when she sleeps and will actually have sweat beading on her head if i unswaddle her she wakes up and fusses  

  4. Look, every mom thinks that their kid is the cutest, prettiest, or most handsomest.  I know you think your daughter is hot, but you have to be careful and make sure that you cultivate a healthy outlook for them in terms of how they approach the physical appearance of themselves and others.

  5. My first son was like that, he always needed to wear at LEAST one layer less than everyone else.  Hated blankets (which was fun when he was 20 months old and I had a newborn who was freezing all the the time, my toddler would take the blanket off the baby because obviously I was just being mean *rofl*)

    He would have a sweaty head every time he slept -still does.   He also sweats when he nurses.  He gets pink in the face as soon as he is the least bit warm too.  And he loved cool baths, not warm.

    He was born in March and I live in Canada.  If he was crying if I went outside he would stop.  I would take him to the park for 2-3 hours even if it was 0F (as long as the windchill wasn't too bad).  He loved it, and was never cold when I took him out of his snowsuit, but I did have to watch I didn't overdress him.

  6. yeah... my baby is always hot...... and we keep our house at 72 degrees

  7. 78 degrees is fine...  especially if you have ceiling fans.

    I have a hot baby, too.  He sweats when he nurses, sweats when he's sleeping, sweats when he's upset about something.  He's a sweater.  It happens.  

  8. yea i have a hot baby she always sweating and she hates warm places sometimes i have to wonder wa kinna heat she got cause i be cold look over at her and she sweatin.

    i guess she got that from her fada cause he i sthe same  

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