
Does anyone else have a toddler that gets freaked out, by those small "coin" operated rides?

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I don't know what they're called, you know, they're usually a car, a horse, a motorcycle, put 50 cents in and they rock back and forth, or up and down. My 2 year old who's almost 3 gets terrified when we turn them on, but is fine just sitting on them. We obviously don't put quarters in, any more because we know he gets scared, but it seems odd to me, I thought most children loved those things.




  1. My cousin just turned 3 july 12th gets really freaked out! When we go to chuckee cheeses she is scared of everything!

  2. My son was the same way until he was a little over 3. I finally quit putting money in and then he decided that he wanted to put the change in himself and then he was OK with them. I think a lot of kids that age get scared easily on them.

  3. My three year old loves them now but about 3 months ago he had the same problem. Its just a mater of getting the kid to be okay with the ride starting. It might also be a noise issue where the sounds the ride makes scares him.

    Best of luck

  4. That is my son to a tee! At least it was when he was three. He started  to like them when he was about 4.

    Make the most of it while it lasts - it's cheaper than paying every time!

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