
Does anyone else have a young relative (under 5) claim to see people?

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I have a 2nd cousing who is about 4 and he is saying that people visit him and past relatives visit him? The most recent and most freaky is that he just recently said that my grandfather his great-grandfather who died in 1981 has been visiting him and talking to him. We just had a family reunion and on the way there his asked where we were going and after we told him he said that he remembered it because his great grandpa took him there and showed it to him. He has even described what my grandfather looks like without seeing any pictures of him. Has anyone else experienced anything like this or what should I do? I don't want to discourage his ability and I think he should perhaps expand on his ability.




  1. ^ Sorry I don't,  but I've read about children that  are like your cousin.   Small children are very open to the para normal so he's able to see  your relatives, he could also be an old soul, which means he as been reincarnated.  Unless he is physic, this most likely will unfortunately pass as he gets  older. I wouldn't discourage him, but I wouldn't encourage him either, just let this play out naturally and take comfort in the fact that your grandfather and other relatives are okay and watching over you. I hope this helps.  Blessed be.

  2. Hi "Big".

    Great Question, though I can't really say it is a gift or an ability.

    I personally as many others believe are born with this additional sense that we either choose to hone in on, or forget as we grow older for some odd reason...especially as the day to day events of life and the people around us have a way of influencing our perceptions of what we think and what we feel.

    **( Or rather what we choose to let ourselves think and feel)**

    If you really think hard about it when you were a child yourself once, you were probably alot more open to people and places with fewer prejudices as we all tend to acquire some in life.

    Getting back to your answer, my son had experienced the same, seeing folk's long gone in my own family from an early age and began speaking of my maternal grandfather too as if he were right in the room with him at age 2 1/2 .

    It was unsettling at first because my gramp's had passed some 7 years before his birth. He never saw a picture of him until age 5 because his passing was still too fresh and painful to my Mother's memory, that his picture's were packed away,  but my son could describe his basic daily dree attire, and how he smelled of English Leather and Cherries ( cherrie pipe tobacco.)

    My grandfather worked as a breakman for a local train/ railway. My son had from age 4 also acquired a healthy love of trains, had a collection til he was 12 and claimed my grandfather played with the trains with him.

    Whatever you do, do not let your cousin's child think they are abnormal. I have to say those of us in our group with definitive strengths in sociology will probably also agree, this child is incredibly normal, depending on how his family chooses to guide him in life, he will either grow to forget it, or will adapt strengths and knowledge in learning how to put this sense to better use.

    Love him and God Bless,


  3. It's fairly commonplace for young children to have invisible companions and imagine invisible people. They have a very active imagination and soak up everything they hear and see. And grandpas in general do look alike in a lot of ways, so he was probably relating what he thinks grandpas look like.

    I don't think you should rush to chalk this up to paranormal abilities when normal explanations are more than sufficient to understand this. I would definitely not encourage belief in ghosts and the supernatural, and especially at his tender age. It could have very negative psychological consequences.

  4. Oh my god, that's creepy!

    Well, here's a little story of my own... and its quite recent:

    2 months ago, my best friend died. He had just turned 20 but died in a tragic accident. No one found out he had died, until 2 weeks had passed and people went out to investigate why he hadn't returned back from the tramp he was on.

    Well anyway, we were all really upset that he had passed away so young... his family (younger brother (16), baby sister (2) and parents) were all struck by it, and I wasn't in actually a better state then they were...

    Well anyway, we've all been trying hard to 'move on' and it's really hard. There are many little things that often 'set us off' and we burst into tears... (I find I can't concentrate). At the moment, we're doing what we can...

    Well, a few days ago - this friend of mine (who passed away), his parents left to go visit their own parents, leaving their daughter and son behind in my care. Things were going great, no trouble caused - no trouble gained. I was satisfied that things were going well, until a couple of nights ago their son came running out of bed at around 2am, screaming. He was as white as a sheet - so I asked him what was wrong. He claimed he saw a ghost in his room - to this, I told him it was all a nightmare.

    The next day, the little girl suddenly seemed to conjure up an 'imaginary friend'. Assuming it was 'just a figment of her imagination’; I shrugged it off and carried on with my usual routine. It wasn't until later I noticed she was talking to this friend of hers, I asked her what her friend's name was - and she refused to tell me. I asked other questions, and she just simply kept playing cheeky. I gave up, and was about to leave the room when she whispered to me, "He says he misses you too".

    That afternoon I was hoping all this had stopped and that both kids had pulled their heads together. Things were going well, until around dinnertime the little one started setting up the table for this 'friend' of hers. It was interesting seeing a 2 yr old set up a table 'nicely' for a 'friend'. I asked her what she was doing, and she explained her friend wanted "Irish Stew" (co-incidentally this happened to be my best friend's favorite food).

    Then last night things seemed to be going normally, I was grateful (while it lasted anyway). Then at around 1-3am I heard noises coming from the basement. A little spooked, I went down to investigate. It turned out it was just a record player I had brought my best friend for his Birthday. Feeling a little stupid, I turned on the light and walked over to the Record player. At this point, I noticed that there was a record in there, spinning but not playing correctly (the voice on the record player sounded more like static).

    Finally, they (researchers, investigators… etc) claim that animals can sense when a ghost is present. Well, as if things weren’t weird enough already, their dog is also ‘acting up’. Every now and then she’ll freeze and start barking at any old random spot.

    Now, I didn’t want to jump to conclusions – so that’s why I kept an eye out for any evidence of anything creepy. I’ve come up with 2 idea so far:

    1) The nightmares and imaginary friend that the kids are experiencing are all in their head. I think that it may be a psychological issue where they just want the comfort of their older brother who is no longer there for them. The 16 yr old seems more affected by it than the 2yr old, as he’s old enough to actually feel and understand the pain. The 2 yr old probably conjured the friend (and I may be just getting paranoid or stepping over the logic line – the record player probably was accidentally bumped and the dog wants attention).

    2) It is a ghost, that’s why the dog starts barking at random moments, the imaginary friend is actually a ghost (and the 2 yr old feels no fear toward it, whereas the 16yr old is old enough to REALLY fear something from the unknown), the nightmares maybe the subconscious mind picking up signs of a ghost and the record player wasn’t accidentally bumped it was ‘mysteriously’ turned on.

    At the moment, I’m not going to draw a conclusion until I see something myself, or find some kind of undeniable proof.

  5. Some very close friends of ours have had such experiences.  They have a daughter (just now 18) who, as a very young child, use to "wave at the smiling people" across the street from a gas station they frequented when visiting relatives near Waco, Texas.

    ...You know what's coming, right?...

    The problem was, there were no "people" that anyone ever saw, and the property across the street from the gas station was a cemetery.  

    The daughter recalls this vividly and says that she remembers the appearances of several of the people very clearly.  No big deal.  To her mother, however, this is alarming and quite disturbing.

    I just think it's freaky...and makes a good tale!

  6. Is this a movie :). But really he probably heard about his grandparents and made a little up don't tell him he is seeing things but don't worry about it. It is normal.

  7. My friend's sister she around 8 and she see dead people she see her Nana all the time and some other dead people to and once she was attack to by this old  man cause she came home with this huge bruise and my friend was with her at the time and she just saw her little sister's arm start to turn red. pretty freaky!!

  8. he may be blessed with site. I don't know! maybe God wants him to see these people so that they are not forgotten.

    Whoever he claims to see, look into there past and try to figure out what God is telling you. GOod Luck and God Bless.

  9. Many children have the ability to see the soul's of loved ones and people who have passed, because their minds are not jaded and convaluded by "rational" thought. My two year old niece used to tell her mom that she was playing with my other sister, even after my other sister had died. At two years old, children don't really imagine things, they relate what they see, and they see these things whether we as close-minded adults see them or not. Whether people want to believe in spirits or not, there are things in this world we cannot explain, and just because we don't have a "reasonable" explanation for them doesn't mean they don't exist. I would say your young cousin is just more open to seeing your grandfather than the rest of you are. He'll probably grow out of it as he gets older, but he can maintain the ability if he has people who encourage him. Just as an FYI, everyone has some type of psychic ability, it's just whether or not we want to explore it that determines how much or what we "see".

  10. Children can usually see these things because nobody has told them they can't yet. It's not really an ability, most children can see this anyway, just like pets and other animals can. No one has ground into their head that it is their imagination and can't be explained ... yet. You should encourage him, just to acknowledge the fact, so when he grows up he knows what he sees and can tell whether it is real or not, because when you grow up you can tell what you are seeing, or not seeing (like an imaginary friend.) Both possibilities are likely, so just let him do what he feels like, let him have his own mind :) Tell him it is all right to see things, too. Two of my cousins have also claimed to have seen animals "ghosts" ... one is very truthful, but the other is a storyteller, so I believe one of them. She's not under five though, she is eight, but is also very trustworthy.

  11. well there was this kid and he was driving with his mom. they past a river and the little boy is like mommy this is where I drowned. and my cousin always comes out screaming all the time from his bedroom saying there is a guy in there and no one is in there he says he talks to him and yells at him.

  12. I don't have a relative but I've had my own expereinces when i was you  and have known young children to. Spirits are drawn to children, not only their innocence, but hey children are just more open minded than most of us adults! They haven't truly been told or learned any different yet at that age... Anyway, I use to say I talked to my grandfather when I was around 3 & 4.... And also one experience that sticks out in my mind is once when I was working in a preschool, we were rehearsing for a show they were doing, there was a spot backstage  that was kind of dark and I had never gotten a good vibe from that area. I had to take some children to the bathroom and it was back in that area, three of the children froze in there spots and started crying saying there was a mean man standing behind me and they didn't want to go back there. And for the whole rehearsal various children not all of them but soem would refuse to go back to that area.

    Unfortunatly, though it seems that a lot of children do lose this as they get older.

  13. i do a person down the street saw alex rios

  14. When my cousin was 3 or 4, she saw what she called "boo's".  A nursing home in our town closed down years before she was born, and whenever we'd drive past the old building she'd point & say, "Look at all the boo's!"  I think it's a gift that kids are taught to grow out of (make sense?).  I say help your relative embrace it!

  15. My son saw things that I couldn't see before he was one year old.  It really freaked me out!  Sometimes the things would scare him and sometimes they wouldn't.  He didn't really understand that I didn't see them.  There were probably a total of 12 or 13 instances between the ages of 9 months and 3 years old.  When he could talk, he would tell me about what he saw.  One time he told me there was a man standing at the door.  My son was frozen with fear so I asked him to come to me and I to describe to me what he saw.  He said the man was green and brown.  I did not lead his description at all (i.e. "was the man green?"  or "was the man scary looking?")  I just let him tell me what he saw.  He doesn't 'see' things anymore and he's 4 1/2.  I didn't discourage it even though I wanted to, but I didn't encourage it either.  I just tried to not show that it bothered me and I listened when he wanted to talk about it.  I guess that's what my advice to you would be.

  16. ...I have a hamster that ran for Pope in 69', still mad cause he lost! ....that's all I've heard out of him for the past 30 yrs. He can not stand a Pope, when the he came to AZ years ago, I had my hands full, couldn't turn the tv on at all, ...he was insane!...cant stand the pope. .....But I don't see no people, ...unless they are there.

    ....? ....! ..? that you giantdwarfbat? ...???

  17. You are wrong about it. Normal child can see 'things' only under 3 years old. For your relative, it must be either he bump into them or he's born with the ability. If he's born with the ability, you would sometime see him playing with a 'friend' or wave to someone. If your religion is buddhist or taoist, you can expand his ability by asking him to become a medium ( priest ) to help humans. Exorcist.

  18. OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my neice start cracking up screaming MOMMY POPPY TOLD ME A FUNNY JOKE!!!!!!!!

    she always thinks hes there.

    shes always talking to him.

    and saying jokes he just told her!

  19. When I was small the same thing happened to me.  It is not an ability but a common occurance for small children as thier minds adjust to start to see things clearly for themselves, rather than just be told things by adults.

    It is not an ability, and it SHOULD NEVER be encouraged by adults that know better than to talk to children about imaginary things as if they are real.  The only thing that will be expanded by encouraging this temporarily crazy behavior is how long he keeps doing it for.

    Encourage him enough and you may cause him to be developementally retarded.  Fortunately for me, my parents and relatives saw this correctly as a cute behavior for a little kid and did nothing till I grew out of it.

  20. My daughter, between the ages of 2 and 4 used to sit on or bed occasionally smiling at the corner of the room.  When she was old enough to ask about it, she answered saying that the red haired lady was there.  The red haired lady was larger and had curly hair.  

    My mother had passed away many years prior to that and she was a heavy set woman with curly red hair, so this freaked out my wife and I, so I have no doubt your cousin can see what he says he's seeing.

  21. lots of children see dead relatives, spirits are somehow attracted to their energy..This is why so many children have made up friends, but people disreguard it as their imagination. He will grow out of it as he gets older, theyll stop going to him, but meanwhile it is a gift and you should try and learn something from it, and also communicate with your relatives through him

  22. My little cousin who is 5 years old.  Ever since he was able to talk he has always said in the olden days I used to.....then he would go off and say how he was a farmer and that he went to the war and many other things. Anyways  I was driving around town one day and he was with me and I drove by where my great grandparent's farm use to be, but is now a subdivision.  And he says out of the blue I know this place I had a farm here and raised 9 kids here.  He then named all of the kids names and called my great grandmother  by her nickname that only great grandpa called her.    How weird is this!!!

  23. I have 3 daughters and my milddle child is 7.  She sees people that I can't see.  I believe that it is normal for children at a young age to see spirits that we can't see.  I don't discourage or encourage her one way or the other.  My nephew is 9 and he sees a little red-headed girl that haunts there house.  She is harmless.  At the same time his dad also saw her and totally freaked beacause he thought it was one of his children and rolled over in bed to see it was her standing beside the bed.  Strange but true.   I think you should say a prayer over your cousin, to which he is not harmed by any of these.  In time it may go away(ability to see spirits) if it doesn't he is gifted.  Good luck and God Bless.    Peace!

  24. Both of my children are sensitive to "seeing".  I won't go into the what, but, because I am also sensitive I have listened, and not told them to stop. Though at one point, I blocked ones ability because of the energy they were attracting, until they were able to recognize it as harmful and protect themselves.  

    Raising children that are sensitive is a big responsibility, and one that takes alot of patience, and guidance.  My advice is to monitor their experience, and  the level of fear that is associated with them.  Do not try to expand their budding abilities. Now is NOT the time. You will know when the time is right.  But again, familiarize yourself on psychic phenomenon  and have their parents do the same, so guidance or protection can be given.  Indigo children is a  good on line reading site to began research.

  25. childrens represent innocent as it best,they can't have a concrete thinking at that age,but they can describe things

    so it can be possible to experience this things,an imaginary

    friend will be  an invented person, animal, or character that is created especially by children, but sometimes by adults.  talking to it, playing with it, or even attempting to feed it are some of the things that they do with this imaginary friends,

    however the description given by your child is very amazing,

    and you should not discourage him,but don't try to push this

    spiritual gift ,let this ability flow in a natural way.

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