
Does anyone else have an old freezer in their garage?

by  |  earlier

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we buy quite a lot of food and have a tiny freezer in our we have an old'en in ze garage..does anyone else?




  1. yes. Its Hot! My punny ironic quote. Dont hate.

  2. Not an old freezer, but I have one, as these newer freezers on fridges are just too tiny

  3. We had our old side-by-side refrigerator-freezer in our garage but it stopped working.  We bought a new one that didn't get cold enough to freeze foods, so we had the appliance store replace it.  After a short time, we found out it wasn't working properly either.

    My husband called about it and was given a phone number for appliance repair -- on a NEW unit!  (We also bought an extended warranty on it, thank God!).  

    I called the store next day to speak with the manager and was told he was out.  When I asked for a number for the district manager, I was told they weren't allowed to give his number out to the public!

    As a last resort, I called the home office of the appliance retailer (it's one of the big box stores) and after many transfers to other lines and disconnects, finally got to talk to a real person in customer service.  She asked if my garage is insulated? (no)  Does it ever reach temperatures above 85 degrees? (yes)   Does it ever drop below zero degrees? (yes)

    I was told the salesperson should not have sold the fridge without asking where in our home it would be located, as newer ones do not work the same as older models -- different type of coolant, etc.  Did we want to buy a special insulation kit for the fridge?  It only cost around $200!  I told her we wanted them to come and pick the damned thing up and refund our money.

    It was picked up the very next day but took a bit longer to get our money back.  Good thing we didn't ask to be reimbursed for food that spoiled in the unit...that would likely take another six months!

    P.S.  If you want a fridge/freezer to keep in your uninsulated garage, do not buy a new one.  Check classifieds for older, used model.      

  4. We have a good-sized chest freezer out in our garage. Great place to keep stock-up foods and venison and fish.

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