
Does anyone else have constant and chronic pain on one side of their head? ?

by Guest64516  |  earlier

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I woke up and was dizzy and a week later the pain started. I mean this is severe chronic and constant pain. It gets worse when I lie down and even sometimes when I lift things. I have been to hundreds of doctors and spent more than enough money trying to figure this pain out. It is only on the right side of my head, I have had all the nerve blocks, x-rays, scans, mri's and nothing has ever come up. I went to a psychiatrist to prove to my doctor I was not crazy, he told me I didn't need him, (the psychiatrist) I needed a medical doctor. I really need help here, I am so lost, have almost given up hope as it has been over 5 years of non stop pain and very heavy narcotics which don't do a thing. Any comments would be appreciated. I am 33 (as of last Wed.) and this started when I was 27. I can't express how desperate I am, as I can't live like this anymore and all the doctors that I have seen say well Angie, your just gonna have to deal with the fact you are gonna have to live with the pain for the rest of your life. I simply can't do that. Thank you!




  1. I've had headaches for so long (over twenty years) that I do just "live" with 'em. But mine are probably the result of having my face smashed in too many times as a young punk.

    My good days are still bad, but my bad days are just insane--like an ice pick stuck in my right temple. I recently was seen by a ear, nose, throat doctor who is going to do surgery on me tomorrow. He says the headaches will be gone because they're caused by pressure in my sinuses. All of this only took eight years, countless MRI and CT scans, and tones of antibiotics to diagnose. I was just about to see a shrink myself when I was finally referred to the ear, nose, and throat guy. If you haven't seen one yet, hopefully one holds the answers.

    Good Luck.

    Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot about the teeth grinding bit. My wife says I crash my teeth together all night long, and during stressful situation I start doing a good bit of chomping. I find chewing on ice helps my headaches.

  2. Yes,I do!! I'm 15 and since I was 13,I've had a realli bad pain behind my right ear,and not one doctor seems to know what's wrong with me. It does get very annoying,considering my parents have spent hundreds and hundreds of euro on me and none of the doctors are of any help. Like you,I've done bone scans,MRIs and CT scans,but nothing has shown up. I am soooo ticked off,because I'm probably gonna have to live with this pain for the rest of my life,but hopefully(I'm praying) that something will pop up in the MRI scan,as I am yet to get the results. I don't care how bad it is,because te pain is so much worse when you don't know whats wrong with you. I have been through a lot the past few years,and I have built up a very high pain threshold,but this pain is unbearable. Of course,our problems could be neurological,but since nothing showed up on the scans,it could be anything or nothing. I don't care what they do to me anymore,I just wanna get rid of the pain.

    All I can say is best of luck,and we just have to keep trying.

    Kind regards,


  3. This may be a stupid answer and they may have already ruled it out, but have they thought of TMJ? Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. Just trying to help, sorry if it's been done, but I went to the doctor with severe chronic pain at the back of my head close to my ear.  It was constant, but Tylenol did help if I took 1500mg. I went to an Ear Nose and Throat doctor and they did a cat-scan of my ear, which confirmed the diagnosis, then they sent me to the dentist.  It's caused by conscious or subconscious (while your sleeping) grinding of your teeth or "chewing" on your cheek, that sort of thing.  I didn't even realize I was grinding my teeth until I consciously made an effort not to put pressure on them unless I ate and it helped quite a bit.  Still have pain a couple times a month but it's maneagable.

    I hope this helps, and I'm sorry your in constant pain.  Good luck, I hope you find an answer!

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