
Does anyone else have deja vu like this?

by  |  earlier

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I will have a dream, and then about a year, to a year and half later a scene in that dream will come to life. The reason i know this is true is because i keep a dream journal and whenever i have deja vu, i also remember a date of when it happened. So i look up the date and sure enough it is in it. Does anyone know why this is happening or have the same thing happen to them?




  1. yes, sometimes things match word for word also at about a year or two. i don`t keep a record but you will know when it happens.

  2. yea that happens to me all the time! its pretty creepy

  3. Yes, and it happens all the time! I'd have a dream where I would do something and a week later, it happens. Some scientists say that we have a 6th sense of seeing the future I guess.

  4. I have had this happen as well. It's good you keep a dream dictionary. I find it can be very helpful in real life to interpret your dream life.

  5. These dreams can come from two places. Either it is from God or from the devil. In terms of it being from God a person might be given the ability by God to know future events becuase he is called to be a prophet etc. In terms of coming from the devil sometimes a person's ancestors were involved in the occult (such as parents, grandparents etc) and as a result that ability to know the future is passed on to them. Probably you can find out if any member of your family was involved in the occult if so you would need to go to a pastor asking him to pray with you and renouncing verbally your family's involvement in the occult and asking God to remove any demonic knowledge that is inside you. I can't begin to stress how dangerous the occult is. Take care!!!

  6. yeah! when i get deja vu's its always from a dream and its really obvious ive seen it before, its really weird

  7. i can tell you might be of the islam faith and brother anything is possible with Allah have faith!

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