
Does anyone else have issues with their bosses family?

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I work in a hotel with an attached apartment for the owner. The previous owner had no problem separating family from business. However, the new owner feels the hotel lobby is just an extension of his house.

I work the 11PM to 7AM shift. I should have the lobby to myself but I don't. His children turn on both of the TVs in the lobby and compete for highest volume. His wife will come check if she thinks I have been in the restroom too long. The entire family will take the breakfast stock and I will have to open breakfast with no food. They will bring the trash from their house to the lobby for me to take out (I am not their servant) They fight in the lobby, it is so embarrassing. Not to mention unprofessional.

Finally tonight I snapped I asked my boss to try to separate the hotel from his house. I asked him to keep his family at home and to keep the hotel supplies separate from their house supplies.

I know I really offended him....but I am tired of having to deal with his family and their drama all night long. I think I might get fired.

Has anyone else ever dealt with an issue like this?




  1. Jeez I thought my job was bad. I've never had that type of situation and I'm glad you said something to your boss. I take it this isn't a chain hotel like Howard Johnson or something where you can talk to a someone in a higher position about the situation?  

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