
Does anyone else have memories of alien abduction?

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Does anyone else have memories of alien abduction?




  1. The most likely explanation for why some people believe they have been abducted by aliens is something called "sleep paralysis".

  2. It still seems sooo point_less to mention it anymore.The skeptics can eat their own loaded pants when the truth is finally revealed.So many seem to believe that religion is just  something more angelic other than the alleged UFOs and (fallen)  Aliens.

    The surgeries,implants and body swapping or replacements (clones),upgrades etc. The protection from certain threats/enemies especially from law enforcement. For some reason they haven't much respect or adoration for our government and it's law enforcement "techniques."  I've seen many a squad car smashed or damaged, a few flattened  out cars like they would be in a crusher. One of my "farm" abduction memories (see recent similar link) involved several ships in one night.Talk about monotony. What seems odd is that the same thing appeared to happen in 2001 in the same area.  They had given me things I suppose were gifts of some sort such as that stretchy stuff (burns like sulfer and flint or magnesium) and a skin scooper sampler. There seems to be a lot of lies and what we would call criminal activity. I suppose they do this mostly because they can and  since our own governments have so many double standards anyway when it comes to greed and illicet sexual behavior. The "Lord" (s) giveth and the "Lord" (s) taketh away: Memories, knowledge, money, property, DNA and especially our innocense/free will. Much of which reminds me of the Movie The Wishmaster. It's almost as if they get their ideas from our movies, dreams, nightmares and various emotions.

    No, it isn't just a simple abduction. It's what some people would call a mind F****. Half nice day, come back soon? yeesh.

  3. Can't say that I have.I've studied the abductions for years.Here's a site with some good information on it.

  4. no but sometimes people tell me that i did something and im like WHAT?? i dont remember that! and they are at like days at a time. but they say i was totally concious. maybe they did something to me AHH

  5. No. but I swear the flying saucer that stopped and hovered above our heads when we were kids, was planning to abduct my sister and me, until all the rest of our sisters and brothers ran out to see what the noise was.(Ten kids in the family) They probably thought ,"YIKES! LETS GET OUT OF HERE!"and boy did they. Took a 90 degree turn in the air and zoomed off! The fastest craft I've ever witnessed!

  6. since there are no such thing as aliens i'll say truthfully no, but if i were you i'd stop watching all those movies about the E.T. life forms. they'll get you down.

  7. I don't, but famous skeptic Michael Shermer does. He was extremely tired from racing his bicycle across the United States, and had been riding for something like 80 hours when he started having bizarre, almost psychotic delusions. He thought his road crew was a group of aliens who were abducting him. You can read about his experience in his book, Why People Believe Weird Things.

  8. Maybe!!

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