
Does anyone else have problems seeing their Yahoo profiles?

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I have a couple of ID's on this account - when I post on the message boards, I can't see my "wheezer_april_4th_1966" profile, but I can see all of the others. I tried making some temporary ID's to test out a theory, and I couldn't see those, either, so it might have something to do with the date of creation/last change.

Does anyone know a solution? I know I could once remove the final forward slash from the address bar to see profiles, but that doesn't change anything now. Thanks.




  1. I think that your IDs may be on different servers. When one is having a problem, the others are fine because they are in different locations.

    And, Happy 40th Birthday!

  2. Yes we all are, if you would read some other questions and answers first...

    There is plenty of problems and Yahoo is woerking on them right now...

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