
Does anyone else have the opinion that Obama would probably improve the country more then McCain?

by Guest63202  |  earlier

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It seems to me that most current republican voters would become democratic voters if they wanted to elect a president who they truly believed would improve the country as a whole. My opinion is that many voters consider their individual agenda rather than overall national improvement.




  1. h**l NO.

    NOBAMA 2008!!!

  2. If you call being taxed to death, have military spending cut, have your 2nd Amendment Rights taken away and putting up with terrorist attacks then yes, Obama would be an improvement.

    Think before you Vote!

  3. I have not heard a single word from Obama that in any way would improve America.  Not one word.  He is all about more and more Government Control.  That, is not the American way.  To me, he is running for President of the wrong country with his views.


  4. Huh?  "What are you people... on DOPE?"

  5. I do.  How can McCain improve the country when his time clock continues to tick not in his favor?

  6. Nobody in their right mind would think that.

  7. If people considered overall national improvement, Senator McCain would get all but the fringe votes. Poor Barack would go Baroke!

  8. The only person that will benefit from him being president is he and his fanily!!!!  

  9. YES, absolutely.

    McCain will only launch more ridiculous wars, probably pass on, and leave Barbie to play with her dollhouse (the U.S.).

  10. I would love to hear how this would be possible. Higher taxes? Desert Iraq? It think it's nice to dream. You're dreaming.

  11. The problem is Obama tax plan will hurt everyone.  His defination of middle class where he claims he won't raise taxes is totally flawed.  Middle class based on your income is a naive way to declare someone middle class.  Someone in CT who makes 100,000 for example is actually middle class.  The housing prices, real estate taxes, etc. are all much more than someone living in Iowa, for example, where a 100,000 salary goes much further.  Putting higher taxes on the person in Iowa making that much vs. CT is appropriate, but taxing them the same is idiotic.

    Plus he claims he is going to put more taxing on business and not people.  Well, if business are taxed more then they have more expenses, which means they need to cut back which results in less jobs, they have to raise prices to keep up their income, etc.  So in the end everything Obama is planning on doing will hurt and hurt when the economy is trying to rebound.

    Its a poor plan, but a guy who is in over his head.  And that is just one example.  We can talk about his foreign policy, his character with his known aquantanices, his wife's racist thesis, Joe Biden (ugh!), etc......

  12. W and McCain policies have not improved the country the last eight-years,"WHY", would they improve the country the next four years? (sorry to answer your question w/a question)!!!

  13. Well only if you think socialist ideas are an improvement. Guess what I don't and neither do at least half the people in this country

  14. No.  Obama lacks experience.  Voters who consider their individual agenda usually vote Democrat because they are promised more, no matter what that may do to the economic health of the country.

  15. 1. He will raise minimum wage.

    2. Raise taxes on the upper class and lower taxes for the middle class.

    3. Tax businesses that leave the country and cut taxes for those that stay.

    4. Create new jobs by investing in new energy production.

    5. Allow people who don 't have medical insurance to invest in a medical system while allowing those who have insurance keep there's.

    6. Refocus troops where they belong.

    7. Put intelligence in the white house.

  16. yes, all the extremist libs who drove Joe Lieberman from the DNC.

  17. No , the opposite. McCain/ Palin  2008

  18. I do.

  19. No

  20. Honestly speaking, Obama/Biden cannot "fix" George Bush's mess overnight. However, I am much more willing to take my chances with them than McBush the war monger.

  21. Democrats have historically improved the economy of the country . I feel that not only does Obama have the skills to help the country he is actually concerned about the people and their quality of life. McCain would certainly help the big businesses and maybe that would help through the "trickle-down" effect.Those who support the republicans seem to find one agenda that meets their needs and focus on that to the exclusion of everything else. With my mother it's capital gains, that is the only reason she has for voting republican and it's not even based on facts. for some it's abortion, or gun control or war which they call "supporting the troops". I think the troops could be better supported by bringing them home and helping them get an education and the medical and emotional help they need.

  22. No, I think Obama would destroy this country actually.  

  23. NO just the opposite.

    Obama and his marxist economics would destroy the country.

    Phony 'Emergency'

    By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Friday, August 01, 2008 4:20 PM PT

    Stimulus: Barack Obama's newly unveiled "Emergency Economic Plan" is quite a document, sounding more like the rantings of an extremist fringe candidate than a serious contender for the presidency.

  24. Not me.

  25. HOW can you say Obama would improve anything when the ONLY detailed plans he's ever shared involved "higher taxes"..... which EVERY economist says is PRECISELY WRONG in this financial climate?

    WHY are you defending a guy who hasn't given you a REASON to support him?

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